Chapter 23: 'Truth is Truth to the End of Reckoning'

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One day later, they arrested Dr. Brice for hiding the truth and forging the evidence, and her daughter for not telling the truth all those years. Ms. Walpad heard about Griselda's incident and came by to visit her.

· Ms. WALPAD: Oh poor little girl! I told you that this is too dangerous to handle. And things will get worse.

· GRISELDA: I didn't start to look for Ben's truth yet. This is just Dr. Brice's doing.

· Ms. WALPAD: yes, I heard. In the motel I am staying, they are all talking about you and how it is unfair for you all these years.

· GRISELDA: well! Evil never wins, yet good does.

· Ms. WALPAD: You really think so? Maybe true! But after so many good people pay the price that they don't deserve.

· GRISELDA: Ms. Walpad! What did Henry Pitterson do?

· Ms. WALPAD (fearful tone): this must not be talked about! Walls have ears. Think carefully about Ben's actions and his end. That's the price of seeing things you should not see. Just a little hint, from now on trust only yourself, things are going to get so doomy, I can sense it in the air. (Rushed out and popped in Angelica and Jonathan).

· ANGELICA: Hello, some lady I've never met before. (turns to Griselda) How rude she didn't say hi back. Who is she? I've never seen her before.

· GRISELDA: She's Ben's next door when they were in a sanitarium.

· JONATHAN: He was in a Sanitarium?

Griselda started to tell them Ben's story and also thinking of what Ms. Walpad told her about Ben's actions and how he did pay the price. By connecting all of the incidents, she came up with an explanation of what is going on.

· GRISELDA (to her friends): He convinced the first doctor that he's not sick, but he tried to rape Dr. Brice.

· GRISELDA (After a while of thinking deeply about what happened, she realized something else and added): Oh my god! I guess he saw his son raping someone. And he was trying to show her not to tell her. Walls have ears. They were spying on every person related to him, his first doctor disappeared right after he knew the truth. She thought he was raping her, he wasn't reasoning, he didn't know that what he was doing is wrong. He was already damaged, still tried to make his son pay for his evil doings. The question is, how did people come up with the news that he raped Mazekine? I mean, did he?

· JONATHAN: Speaking of which, no one did actually, I've asked around, no one ever knew the source of the news. How did they come up with that story?

· ANGELICA: Can we please forget about this for now. I'm freaking out, this is too much to take in in one day.

Ben was trying to make the real murderers punished, but no one believed him, exactly like when Griselda and Angelica were kids and trying to tell the truth.

A week later, Mazekine was released from custody because she was innocent, her mother told them that she was giving her medicaments to stay calm, and her medical records confirmed that. Dr. Brice was accused of faking and hiding the culprit and also the evidence.

Mazekine went to visit Griselda at her house and apologize for what her mother did to them, but when she rang the bell Mrs. Forbes opened the door and had no mercy for her.

· Mrs. FORBES: what are you doing here? You still have the shoes to come and knock at this door?

· GRISELDA: Mom, stop! She didn't do anything. Come on in Maze ... Mazekine I mean.

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