Chapter 17: Who Are You?

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After so many diligent mixing years of lies, of hiding truths, and buried secrets, the time of punishment has finally come. At last, everything will come to the clear; there is always calm before the storm. The thunder will be destroying everything, and everyone will get what they deserve. No one is going to be forgotten; it's the power of the almighty.

·GRISELDA (coming out from her house): Angy! What are you doing here? I thought you are at home or at work.

· ANGELICA (sitting on the porch): Good morning, Goddess! Looking fire. Hot date?

· GRISELDA: Thank you! But let's get to it, you didn't answer. I know you are not here because you missed me.

· ANGELICA: I will escort you to the doctor. I have a morning off, so I came.

· GRISELDA: I don't need a guardian angel "angy". How did you know that I have a session today anyway?

· ANGELICA: I accidentally saw it on your calendar last night, so I wanted to go with you. If you'll be annoyed I can go.

· GRISELDA (she remembers that she was acting weird about the psycho who died): Yes I'll be annoyed, but I feel bored going alone anyway.

· ANGELICA: Yes, Cool! That was easy! I thought you'll get angry.

· GRISELDA: Nah it's okay... I can use some talking, though.

· ANGELICA: So, G, do the sessions really go well? I mean how do you feel during and after the diagnosis?

· GRISELDA [talking to herself (oh here we go, the stupid questions again)]: I don't know, I guess it's not helping with the memories, she's trying to discover something else I guess, she asks too many questions and makes me angry so I suddenly feel raged and sometimes I aggressively answer her questions. She's treating me more like a hostage than a patient.

· ANGELICA: what? You do realize that?

· GRISELDA: Why wouldn't I? You sound suspicious since yesterday, what's going on with you? Did Dr. Brice told you something, because she can't as a doctor, our sessions should be private!

· ANGELICA: No! I mean yes, true, but she just asked me for help and she accidentally said it, she didn't mean to. We were talking about how we can bring your memories back, so I suggested to give you a song to listen to every session from the age you lost your memories.

· GRISELDA: and how can songs help me remember?

· ANGELICA: luckily, each song I gave her has a story. Starting from our childhood, until the day of the accident. Remember, at the hospital when we gave you your phone and you listened to a song, some memories suddenly hit your brain.

· GRISELDA: yes, it did ... wait... I didn't tell anyone except... Jonathan's father, of course. Does anyone here keep a secret?

· ANGELICA: actually, I just heard it accidentally too when you were in his office.

· GRISELDA: so what did Dr. Brice "accidentally," told you?

· ANGELICA: A- it was accidentally, I swear. B- She thinks you have schizophrenia, and let me finish, please. Which now I realize, she thought that your aggressive behavior that goes from a nice girl to an evil one faster than a clap of thunder is because of Schizophrenia.

.GRISELDA: What the hell?

.ANGELICA: Normally, that would be true because we all noticed that in your behavior, you were always alone and getting mad easily like there is another person inside you trying to protect you from the outside world.

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