Before The Storm: Ryan and Isabella!

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"No. NO. HELL NO," I yelled shaking my head frantically, my mom and my step-father Dale nodded their heads firmly. "I don't trust them alone in a cabin for a whole week!-" "And me being there is going to stop them?!" I cried in anger. I most certainly did not want to go to some cabin full of sex between the guy I love and his whore. 

My mom sighed, "Isabella. Please, you can distract them or something," Dale said, "Oh yeah let me just sleep with them too," I sarcastcally revoked, shaking my head I opened my mouth again, "Nothing's going to stop them from banging like a faries on acid," I muttered darkly, "Isabella," my mom warned shooting me a stern look.

I threw my hands up dramatically, "What the hell?! It's true!" I spat throwing my sharp glare straight at Ryan. Fucking prick. "If you go on the trip, Dale and I will work on expanding the house for your own bedroom," my mom negotiated. Woah, woah woah, my own room? As in...away from his arms at night? As much as I can't stand him, I love the damn idiot. 

I sighed, pretend. I let a fake smile light up my face, "Deal," I said with a smirk. Ryan seemed hurt by my 'happiness'. Good, damn dastard can feel all the pain he's caused me. I rolled my eyes, "When do we even leave for this thing," I grunted propping my feet up over Ryan's lap, making sure to hit his little friend. He grunted and glared, I smirked and smiled innocently. 

"Tomorrow morning, just to be safe Ryan." my mom paused, "Is Asher's little bother Colton comeing along with you," she questioned. I smiled bigger, my little Colty's coming?! Ryan cleared his throat, clearly ticked of my happieness. "Yeah," he said sharply before throwing my feet off, storming up the stairs.

My mom stood up slightly, "Where are you going," she called, "To PACK," he yelled harshly before I heard our door slam. Dale shook his head as my mom sat down quietly. I stood up plastering a fake smile "I'll talk to him, I stated before walking out of the room.

Why was Ryan pissed that I was excited about Colton coming? It's not like he wanted us, he had his slut doll. I rolled my eyes before throwing my door open to see Ryan throwing various things in his duffel bag. "Stop acting like a girl," I droned falling onto our bed.

One good thing about sleeping withh ryan is, is that we have king sized bed! "Shut the fuck up," he hissed throwing his high tops into the bag harshly. "Would you calm down? You got what you wanted," I hissed, "I don't that little fag coming," he spat. I raised my eye brow as I felt my anger boil.

"First of all, your a cunt. Second, Colton isn't a fag! How can you say that? Your disgusting. My god, you really need to get a shrink or something before I stab some sense into you. And third, I swear if you ever call Colton, or anyone a fag- be expecting my foot up your cocky ass you douche. Since when did you get the idea that you can say anything?!" I snapped going face to face with Ryan who read anger all over his red face.

He eyed me hatefully, "Suck my dick," he spat smirking. "Personalities can't be sucked," I spat. His smirk fell as mine rose. Suddenly I felt warmth spread throughout my body as the familiar lips captured mine. I immediately let out a moan as I tangled my hands in his hair. 

I don't care how wrong this is, I know he's my step-brother and he has a girlfriend, but screw it. You try to feel this way- the electrifying touch that you ache for, or the pleasure affect from the thought of them. Yeah, you be in love like this and tell me how 'well' you resist it. 

He laid me gently down against the soft sheets, pulling away he came into contact with me. "Bella," he breathed, his hot minty breath hit my face, his lips attacked my neck . He placed kisses slowly and lovingly. This felt like a sweet dream.

But dreams have to come to an end.

"Ryan," I stated with a shaky breath, "Shh," he shushed as he cupped my face, I shook my head. "We can't," I whispered running my hand through his quiff. I smiled lightly, I was the only one who was allowed to touch his hair. He hated it when people touched his hair, seeing as he spends almost three hours making it perfect. But he likes it when I run my fingers through his silky hair.

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