Chapter One: Ten Years

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I was assigned to a ten year old girl, named Mica. She is an odd child, both in appearance and actions. She never laughs, or smiles, and never plays with other children. Instead, she hides herself away in her room, reading, writing, or drawing. I cannot help but wonder what made her that way. Her family is loud and boisterous, friendly and open. If not for the fact I was told by Arch Angel Michael, I would not believe they are related.

            I was broken away from my thoughts when her sixteen year old brother came into her room. “Hey, brat! Mom wants you to do the dishes.” I growled. That stupid boy was nice to everyone but her. Mica’s intelligent eyes narrowed.

            “I already did them, Lucian.” Lucian smirked.

            “I got hungry. So go do your chores!” Her barked, before rushing out the door. Mica heaved a sigh.

            “How does anyone survive teenaged brothers?” She grumbles. I nearly chuckle. Mica has a dry way of stating things, and it was honestly amusing at times. I watched as she hauled herself from her purple blanketed bed and heads towards the kitchen. I followed of course.

            Her mother was asleep, along with her father, seeing as they worked night jobs. This annoyed me. Their children took care of themselves, or at least that’s what they say. Really, Mica is left to do the chores, like she is doing now, and watch over her younger siblings. And on top of it all, her siblings are cruel to her. Her parents never see them. It’s a good thing I’m here. That way, I can teach them all a lesson.

            I motioned towards her brother, who was leaning on a chair and watching my strange little charge work. Instantly, the chair toppled to the ground and her awful brother smacked down atop it. I could hear her brother’s breath being knocked out of him. Mica stifled a giggle at the shocked and confused expression on his ugly face.

            I suppose there are perks to being a half-demon Guardian. Special super powers. Not that I can do them in front of God, Arch Angel Michael, or any of the High Angel Council. Nor Mica. But all the same. At least I’m not human.

            It didn’t take long for Mica to complete her chore. Once she finished, she went back to her room. I sighed. This girl needs air. I very lightly prodded her mind. She usually kept it tightly shut, but currently, it was wide open. I planted the sensation of yearning for sky and a tree to lean against. She was shockingly easy to coax.

            Maybe she actually wanted to be there. I couldn’t blame her if she did. It is beautiful outside. The trees rise tall and kingly above our heads, their bright green leaves seeming to almost brush the royal blue sky. Clouds floated lazily, forming shapes with their pale, opaque bodies. The sun was setting now, and the heat from its rays would be very comforting to Mica.

            The moment she got outside, her bare feet touching the lush grass, her whole, slender form relaxed, the tension disappearing from her little shoulders. She walked slowly, dreamily towards a tall, majestic oak tree that almost seemed to be watching over the property. Mica let herself fall back against it. Her eyes closed and her dark lashes cast shadows on her high cheekbones.

            I allowed myself to rest beside her. I observed her behavior. She seemed happier out here, calmer. She was always stressed when indoors. Maybe she was claustrophobic and didn’t realize it? But I knew that wasn’t it. I should have been able to sense it if it were claustrophobia. I ran my ghostly fingers over her flushed cheek. Could she be sick? That’s the one thing I can’t protect my little, delicate charge from. I could feel her soft, black hair on my finger tips. I wonder if she feels me, even a little bit.

I listened closely to Mica’s breathing, watched her expression, and surveyed her body’s position. I wanted her to relax and to feel safe and comfortable for once in her short life. “Mica,” I whisper, “what’s wrong with you, little human? What makes you so upset?” She doesn’t hear me. Deciding not to dwell on it, I lay back against the broad oak, my unsubstantial shoulder pressed to Mica’s. She is asleep, and I think that I will rest with her. Just for a moment...

I don’t know if a Guardian can sleep, but if it is possible, I think that is what I have just done. I glance over at Mica. She looks uncomfortable, slumped over in the darkness. I wonder if I can move her. I focus for a moment, trying to gather all my energy and use to make myself solid. I felt an odd tingling all over my body. When I looked at myself, I saw flesh and bones. I felt real again.

I very gently lifted my sleeping charge. Her body was dwarfed by mine, and felt alarmingly small and fragile. She pressed her face into my chest. I carried her into her green walled room, and lay her on the bed. After a second of thought, I pulled the covers over her, tucking her in snugly. I gazed down at her, and felt a rush of tenderness towards the small, shy girl. I could have gotten a much worse charge, I know. I’m starting to feel rather glad that I ended up with Mica.


It is very cold here, I muse. Many of the inhabitants hate that aspect of my land. Well, actually, they hate every aspect of my land. It is not a place meant to be adored by the puny human race, but a place meant to torture them every day of their eternal damnation. The only person truly comfortable here is me. And that is because I am the creator of this dark hell hole. Pardon the pun.

I look out over my kingdom. I see the daily goings-on; people crying and screaming, slaves pressing their emaciated bodies against the cold stone walls, and my minions smiling, with their fingers curling around the leather handle of their personalized whips. This is my home. I breathed in the air, scenting blood. One of my demons must have chosen to punish their slave here, or near here. My mind drifted to Rafael. He was the only one of his kind, and he was born from my favorite demoness. But he also turned out to be the only slave of mine to have every escaped from the confines of my wonderful darkness.

I smirked. That stupid half human bastard would never be useful to anyone besides me. He was so thick that he never even thought of the fact that I could find out where he is. I smiled as I looked through my portal. I could see that Rafael was tucking his scrawny charge into bed. He hadn’t a clue that soon, all Hell is to break loose. Quite literally, as well. I step towards a pretty little slave of mine. She was shaking violently, and fear radiated off of her. I inhaled the phenomenal scent. People who described that smell as a stench had obviously never been the cause of it.

“Fetch the leader of my army, wench.” She peered at me through glazed eyes ringed with thick black lashes. I looked her over. “And then find your way back to my chambers.” I leered at her purposely, knowing she would flinch before limping away.

Oh yes, Rafael hasn’t a clue of what is coming. But I know exactly what will happen. After all, I’ve seen it.

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