Chapter Two: Fourteen Years

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I watched Mica closely as she prepared to dive into her eight foot deep pool. She was a swimmer, and a very good one. Because of this, I had planted the idea of providing her a pool in her parents’ minds. I was captivated by the fierce expression on her face, the set of her shoulders. One, two, three, I counted. Splash! Her body disappeared under the water. I smiled. When I had been a slave, I had considered swimming idiotic and wasteful. Now, I absolutely loved it. Mica was in the pool or at a match constantly, so I really didn’t have much of a choice. I had to love it, because otherwise, I would’ve become sick of it.

            She popped above the water, eyes wide open, mouth gulping in a quick breath as her strong arms flashed, seeking the water, and preparing to pull back down to her thighs. I could see the muscles in her shoulders ripple. She swam very fast across the pool, but only for one lap. After completing a flip turn, she switched into slow, leisurely breast stroke. Good job, Mica. After a few more laps, which alternated between breast stroke and butterfly, she hauled herself out of the pool and dried herself off. I warmed the cool air around her so that she wouldn’t freeze on her way back to the house.

            “Mica,” Her mother yelled, “-come to dinner once you’ve changed. You need to eat and then get started on your homework.” I caught Mica rolling her eyes. I laughed. Her mother is totally clueless about my girl. She doesn’t understand that Mica gets all of her work done while at school by eating lunch in a library conference room, all so that she can swim when she gets home. Sometimes I’d really like to smack her upside the head. I’ve know Mica for only four years, and yet I know all of her habits. “Calm down, Mica. You know how your mother is.” I told her, even though I know that she won’t hear me. I turned my head as she pulled on basketball shorts and a tank top. As usual, she burst from her room like an angry bear from a cage. I trotted along behind her.

            Mica gulped down her supper so fast that it was like it never even hit her plate. I disliked it when she did that. Sure, I know why she does it, but it worries me that it could cause her to choke. She’d nearly done that once, and I hadn’t been able to stop it. I’d nearly had a panic attack. But, she’d managed to dislodge it from her throat, and minus needing a long drink she was okay.

            Her mother made a few pitiful attempts at conversation, but her brother wasn’t there and he was the main talker. Her sister was throwing a bitch fit and her adopted little baby brother couldn’t talk. Her dad is asleep. In the end, all that happened was Mica getting frustrated and her mother beginning to resent her daughter even more. The moment dinner ended Mica leapt to her feet and raced back to her room. I used my hand to pull the rug straight before she could trip.

            I rarely ever defended her from anything but minor dangers like those. I suppose I should be glad. It means that I’m getting to do something for her but I don’t have to worry about her getting seriously hurt. She collapsed onto her bed. Her unruly black hair fell across her pillow, looking extremely dark against the snow white surface. “I hate it here.” She said clearly, her dark eyes narrowed. I followed her gaze to find her staring at a poster of Avenged Sevenfold, which was a band she was currently in love with. I think they are very good, but I dislike the screaming they do.

            “I think I want to roam on the wild side from now on.” I watched her with a dubious look in my eye. I couldn’t see her doing anything to wild. Mica is much too concerned with her grades and swimming to be wild. She grabbed up her swim suit and shoved it into a bag. Her bright pink towel followed. Next, she threw in her favorite pair of goggles and several pony tail holders. What is she doing? Mica shoved the black bag beneath her bed. I sighed. So she isn’t doing anything crazy. Thank God. Ha ha.

            Turns out, that I judged her actions wrong. I had forgotten it was Friday, and that she waited to do homework until Saturday.  It is now two in the morning and Mica is sneaking out of the house with the bag slung across her shoulders. She was singing ‘Savior’ by Black Veil Brides under her breath as she headed towards Moonlight Lake.

So hear my voice

Remind you not to bleed

I am here


Will be there’


            They never thought like they should. Humans are incredibly foolish. A stupid half human Guardian was just as foolish. My slaves have been following those two for quite a while. And yet, Rafael was none the wiser. My lips curled into a cruel grin. My plan is unfurling perfectly. It will be no problem to kill Rafael and then overtake Heaven. I will enjoy torturing God.

            I looked into my slave’s mind. He was seeing only trees and hearing only the hoots of owls. “You insufferable excuse for demon! You are a tracker! Find them now!” I could feel his thin body jerk with fear. He instantly doubled his efforts. Within a few seconds he found the two. Mica was swimming with long, broad strokes through the clear lake water. Rafael was sitting on the beach. “Strike!” I screamed.


            I could feel something in the air. A tremor almost. I looked around, trying to see the threat. Nothing was there…and yet, I cannot get rid of the feeling that something is watching me. Suddenly, a scream ripped through the cool night. “Strike!” Master! I got to my feet as quickly as possible and moved to get Mica. Before I could, I was stopped by an invisible hand. I struggled against it desperately. Something was going to happen to Mica. There was the sound of a splash, and then ear-splitting screeches from Mica.

            “Let me go!” She was screaming, over and over. Her dark-haired head disappeared beneath the water. Panic overtook me, panic and fear. I could feel hot breath on my neck. Burning heat swept through my body. The hands that entrapped me let go. I fell back, but was on my feet in seconds. I lunged toward the invisible creature. Don’t ask me to explain how I knew where he was; I just knew. My hands scrabbled, struggling to grip the strong body that was in front of me. I now had a grip around their neck. With a sharp crack, I broke the neck of my enemy. The moment he was dead, I was caught in a frenzy. I wanted to kill them all. And in that moment, I knew I could. Easily.

            I couldn’t see Mica anymore. She had disappeared beneath the mirror like surface of the lake. I ducked beneath the water, looking for her. I could see her! She was limp, her hair floating around her head. The band must have broken in her struggle. I wrapped my arms around, pulling hard. Her body was shockingly light. I swam up, up, until finally, my head broke the surface of the water. I hefted Mica above the water, and swam for shore.

            When I got back to land, I had a chance to regain rationality. I looked at Mica’s pale face.

She wasn’t dead; she might just be in shock. I shut my eyes and focused. I thought of her bedroom. The green walls, purple bedspread, band pictures. And we were there. I staggered under a mix of her weight, which was heavier now that we weren’t in the water anymore, and my lack of energy. Transporting took a lot out of me. It had never been my strong suit.

            I dried her off, and changed her into her favorite pair of sweats. I then wrapped her in a soft blanket. Once I was sure she was okay, I allowed myself to fall onto the floor, my body slack with exhaustion. I shut my eyes and was asleep almost instantly.

‘A savior, for all that you do

So you live freely from their harm’

The GuardianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang