Chapter Nine: The Guardians' Plot

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The Guardians are sitting in the darkness, bodies tense. Guardian Abida fingered a little charm that hung around his throat. It was white, and looked shockingly pale against his dusky brown skin. His mind was whirling, thinking only about his charge, Daniela. His muscles were tight. Fury boiled in his blood. “We need to get out of here!” He yelled. Guardian Rafael moved towards him.

“Screaming is not going to help Daniela, Guardian Abida.” Rafael looked over the sorry group of Guardians. They looked defeated, and yet, they hadn’t truly fought yet. They are just giving up before the battle. “We have to think. Our charges need us, and feeling self-pity is not going to do anything.” A tall, broad Guardian got to his feet.

“Do you hear that?” He asked.

“Hear what, Dioskouroi?” Guardian Abida questioned, momentarily forgetting Angels’ formalities.

“There’s yelling! It sounds like…the charges. I can hear them! What if they are out?” Guardian Rafael pressed his lithe frame against the enchanted bars. His eyes widened. A group of girls were peeking through the dungeons’ doors. Some were tall and strong built, athletic, whereas others were small and petite. “Kasumi!” Guardian Dioskouroi said in a whisper-yell. A thin Asian girl moved over to his side of the cell, reaching her hand through the bar. She was smiling.

“The charges are kicking your butts at saving people right now, Dio.”  Kasumi said. She could see the tension melt out of her Guardian. A slender, mousy haired girl walked over.

“We have to be quick, guys. I know how to get you out, but you all need to stand back.” The girls gripped the bars in their hands. The Guardians watched as they closed their eyes, focusing hard. The charges’ lips moved swiftly, too fast for the Guardians to pick up on the things they were saying. A loud crack echoed through the room. The bars disintegrated. The girls all smiled. They had probably thought it would work. The Guardians got to their feet, looking for their charges. Guardian Dioskouroi wrapped Kasumi in his arms.

Similar scenes were playing out across the room. Guardian Rafael looked around for Mica. He could see her leading a toddler to a scrawny but strong Guardian. “Mica!” He cried. She caught his gaze. He watched as she weaved through the crowd.

“We have to stop this, and quick. You guys need to take out the demons. Then, we have to find Lucifer. Ok?” Guardian Rafael hugged her swiftly.

“Guardians!” He shouted. “Are you ready to fight?” A roar answered him. “We need to split up. Guardians who specialize with bows, or spears, you will take out the demons. Other, follow me. I have a special plan for Lucifer.” Mica butted in.

“You need to isolate Lucifer. He wants to get Rafael, so let him think he is getting his chance. Hide yourselves around him. Be ready. But remember, this is Rafael’s battle, not yours.”

And so, the Guardians split their ranks, some following Mica and Rafael, others warring with demons, and a small amount protecting the charges. Rafael felt that it was almost time for this to be over. The war was so close to ending.

The GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora