Chapter Six: The Battle Begins

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“Guardian Rafael! Guardian, you must go, now!” I stared at the scrawny Tracker that stood before me.

            “What do you mean?” He looked very upset. He was glancing about anxiously.

            “Lucifer, he is coming! The war, the apocalypse has finally begun!” My body froze and ice seeped into my heart.

            “Coming here?” The Tracker hesitated. I felt fury rise up in response to my fear.

            “He is planning to get the Guardians, and it is well known that you have played a major part in this! There is no doubt that he will attack you before any other!” I stood up, glancing at Mica, who was sound asleep.

            “Tell me, Tracker, is he going to attack the charges?” The Tracker shook his head.

            “I don’t know, but please Guardian Rafael, you must get her out of here! All the Guardians are being sent to Heaven. That way the Gates will be guarded and the charges will remain safe.” The poor guy was trembling, his eyes wide with nerves.

            “Alright, I’ll get going.”

            “Thank you! I must go; I need to be with the Lead Tracker.” He turned and sprinted to the forest where I know he is going to allow his wings to carry him off. I looked down at Mica. I have brought this war upon her, and it is time for me to be a real Guardian. I placed a fog around Mica’s mind, keeping her asleep and carefully vanished us both. I will get her to Heaven, I will defend both her and God, I will not allow any charges to die. I am now truly a part of God’s Army.


            My sword slashed through the torso of the fire demon. He gave a ghastly scream, and his severed upper body fell to the ground a few seconds before his legs followed. I ignored the blood that flicked upon my face. I looked for my next opponent. I know that the army can’t keep this up for long. Fighting while invisible is strenuous and makes it difficult to find your opponent. And either way, the humans will see us. Lucifer isn’t going to allow himself to be hidden. He wants the carnage to be seen by all.

            I felt a tingle down my spine as I let myself become visible. “Come and get me.” I growled. Just try. I was slammed into the ground by an angry demon. It was a fiery haired woman, with blood red lips, and yellow eyes. She bared sharp canines at me as she pulled out a blade that was already blackened with my fellow Soldiers blood. I jerked my hips, throwing her off of me. I rolled over on top of her, pinning her to the ground. I snatched up the dagger from her hands and sliced through her chest. Thick, hot blood sprayed out of her and onto me. I smiled at the shocked look in her terrible eyes. “Thought you had me, didn’t you? Ginger haired bitch.”

            I pulled myself to my feet, and searched the area, looking for any signs of life. It seemed as if the enemies had moved on. I walked carefully through the bloody fields, looking upon my slaughtered friends. I sighed when I saw Aria lying dead on the ground, her chest torn open, beautiful face covered in dark blood. I leaned down and very gently shut her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Aria.” I felt my body tremble.

            This is going to be a short battle, but a bloody one. That isn’t what really bothers me. What bothers me is that Lucifer has gotten better. Much, much better. I slide my sword back into its sheath, singing under my breath as I headed towards the next fight.

‘Do you believe in the afterlife

 Termination with a rusty knife

 Religious wars no reason why

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