Chapter Ten: The Final Battle

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Lucifer stands in the middle of the battle field, the one where he had been victorious over Arch Angel Michael. He stares at the bloodstained ground. This is the place where he killed his only brother. It was Michael’s fault. If he hadn’t mentioned Sarah, no, if he hadn’t done that to Sarah, than none of this would have happened. But Michael had killed her, and when he did, he killed Lucifer. Lucifer could not have stayed in God’s Army, not after that. He had seen no choice, but to become the opposite of what he was meant to be.

His hands curled into fists. He still remembers Sarah, his first and only charge. She had been fourteen when he was assigned to her. He had hated it at first. But over time, he realized that he really liked Sarah. She was very intelligent, and saw things that other people never did. He had ended up breaking the Guardians’ main law. Never, ever, fall in love with your charge. His brother had over-reacted. The moment he found out, he pestered Lucifer, trying to make him resign his post. When Lucifer didn’t, he slit Sarah’s throat late one night when Lucifer had been in council. Lucifer had never felt such pain. His heart was torn from his chest, and darkness took its place.

Now, he was taking over the world. And he did what he had truly set out to do. He had taken revenge on Michael, all for his long dead charge.   


I hold Mica back, pushing her towards Guardian Abida. “Rafael, I want to go!” I brush her hair out of her face.

“It’s my battle.” Mica frowned, but nodded.

“I know.” She whispered. I look out upon the battlefield, where blood covered the grass, as did dropped and abandoned weaponry. I can see Lucifer, standing in the middle of it all, a strange, contemplative look on his pale face. I motioned for the Guardians to crouch in the grass, hiding themselves from view. I moved silently towards him.

“Lucifer!” I barked. He slewed around, eyes wide. I gazed within their red depths, spotting an emotion I’ve never seen in him before; shock and fear. “You have killed many of my people, and the humans.”

“And, half-breed? Is that supposed to bother me at all?” His insult didn’t pack as much of a punch as usual.

“Actually, Lucifer, it isn’t.” I circled around him, gripping my spear tightly. His bloody eyes followed my every step. I felt a cool breeze brush over my skin. “I am asking you to give up your post, and to go to whence you came.” He smirked.

“Really? Asking me nicely, huh?” His mouth tightened, just a little, and his body curved just enough to pass for being on the defensive. “Well, I suppose that might make me reconsider. Or…not.” Flame licked his arms, and I could see the rage in his gaze. He didn’t just want me dead, he wants me to suffer. I stepped toward, trying to take in even the slightest of his movements. He was grinning now.

I lunged towards him, swinging my spear so that it slammed hard into his skull. I felt the shock run up my forearm. He stumbled, but recovered too quickly for me to do something that would cause more damage. He bore his teeth. I growled softly. The fire flicked out in my direction, and I could feel the burning heat brush my arms. I sliced into his arm, ripping the flesh from his bones. He screamed. Our bodies clashed together, both of us vicious and wild in our dance for death. I pulled my spear through his guts, and could see his face pale even more. Sharp claws dug into my cheek. His flame burnt my skin, making me cry out at the sickening pain. I jerked away, holding my injured arm to my chest.

He slammed his fist into my face. I saw stars. I could hear Mica’s tiny gasp. I prayed that Lucifer did not. He kicked me hard, and I struggled to ignore the nasty crack that followed his movement. I reached for him, trying to catch hold of leg. He pulled away much too quickly. He was looking down at me now. I gaze up at him, feeling as if time had stopped. I can see the sky trying to peek out from behind the oppressive clouds. No heat from it reached me. But then I remembered something I had heard before, something from long ago. ‘Love is a man’s only true weakness’. I smiled. I had never thought that maybe I could defeat Lucifer using love. But maybe…

“Lucifer-,” I panted, “why do you do this? I did nothing to you, except for leaving you alone. God never truly did anything to you.” Lucifer froze in place. “And why are you so furious with the Guardians? Why do you target us before any others?” The blind fear in his eyes told me all I needed to know. “You were one once, weren’t you?” He had shut his eyes now, and his jaw was tight, body rigid. “What happened to her?” I asked.

“ASK YOUR LEADER, WHY DON’T YOU?!?” Lucifer screamed. “PRECIOUS ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL, WHO NOW ROTS WITHIN THE EARTH!” I stared at him, in shock. “IT WAS ALL HIS DOING!” I could see the others creeping up behind him, closing in on him. “HE KILLED HER!” Killed her? But, Angels can’t kill charges. Or at least, they aren’t supposed to. Lucifer dropped to his knees. I crawled away from him. Lucifer didn’t put a struggle as Guardian Abida caught him. Mica had followed them, and now stood by my side.

“Why did he kill her, Lucifer?” Mica asked him. Lucifer shook his head.

“Because I broke an important rule, and he was trying to protect me.” All of the Guardians looked at each other. We know what rule he speaks of. After all, I’m fairly certain a lot of us have broken it as well.

“What rule?”

“Never fall in love with your charge, for if you do, the penalty is death.” Lucifer looked defeated now, as if he is very tired and sick of the entire business.

“So, you became what you are…because your love and charge was murdered.” He nodded. “I’m sorry Lucifer, but I don’t think she would have been proud of you.” He seems so haggard now. Mica looked over at me.

“Lucifer, I ask you once more to give up your post, and to recall your demons from the palace.” Lucifer nodded.

“I don’t want to rule, I don’t think. I thought that I would, but really, I just want to be with my charge. I can’t bring her back. I’ve tried.” Mica put a hand on his shoulder.

“Since you’ve decided to resign, I think that Rafael can do something for you.” I glanced at her confusedly. “Rafael, would you grant Lucifer the gift of death?” I didn’t know how to reply. I had wanted to kill him, but now he is so different from the person I had come to hate.

“Please-,” Lucifer begged, eyes pleading. “I don’t want to be here anymore.” I nodded. Guardian Abida held Lucifer still as I raised the knife I had found on the ground to his throat.

“And so, Lucifer, I grant you the gift of death and the peace of an afterlife with your fallen charge.” I pressed the knife into his tender flesh, felt that slight resistance, and then give, as his skin broke open and accepted my blade. I kept pressing until the light disappeared from his eyes and his blood watered the grass. I glimpsed the others standing around me. “Well, boys, I think it is time to see the damage at the palace.” I took Mica’s hand and walked with the others back to Heaven.

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