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After the battles, only one thousand Guardians remained. There were not any more Angels. Rafael was granted the title of God, something all of the Guardians agreed with. Rafael appointed Guardian Abida to become Lord of the Underworld, a name they preferred over Devil. He also took away one law that the old God had enforced since Heaven was established, ‘If a Guardian dares to fall in love with his charge, or any one or more persons of the Human race, he shall be dismissed from Guardianship and executed, and as punishment for tempting him from his faith in the Lord, his charge will also follow him into death.’

The Guardians who had broken this law were overjoyed. Many of them married their charges and all stayed in Heaven. Rafael stayed with Mica, who refused marriage, but agreed to take her place by his side, as the Goddess. The demons of the Underworld were never heard from again, and never caused problems. All slaves were dismissed, and given free reign. Thanks to Mica, earth was back to being its normal self, if not a little better.

And, despite the cliché, the Angels lived happily…ever…after.

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