Chapter Seven: The Outside World

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It’s cold now, all the time. Snow falls day in and day out. The sky is nearly black. People are scared to leave their homes for fear that released prisoners will mug or molest them. Women refuse to leave their rooms, and men are flocking to the bars, not coming home ‘til two or three in the morning. There’ve been mass break ins and more robberies than anyone can count. Some still maintain a semblance of normality, going to church and trying to make things look like its all okay.

In church, people don’t worship so much as beg God to protect them, and ask Him why he is doing these horrible things to them. God does not protect them.

One morning, a woman steps outside her door to call for her granddaughter who had gotten out. On the doorstep lay the mangled corpse of the little girl, clothing gone, body covered in little cuts. The girl had been bled.

A man let his dog out in the fenced in yard. When he opened to door to bring him in, he saw the husky lying in the snow, his head caught in the chain link, one stray piece piercing through his throat.

A woman was robbed and forced out of her home and now huddles with her infant child, trying to keep warm. A man comes over to her, rapes her, beats her, strangles her, and then broke the neck of the baby.

Things only get worse. Food is now in short supply, for the weather does now allow any crops to grow. Animals have been slaughtered in the night. Crimes had taken the lives of almost all the decent citizens of the United States.

Government officials have been assassinated. There is no longer a government in the world.

Food is gone, every day more and more people starve.

Mass graves are being used, but there are so few people to bury them that corpses lie lined up against buildings and scattered throughout the street.

Boys look at the books in their shelves that talk of war and apocalypses and decide that it is not near so fun to experience.

In the privacy of their homes, everyone prays to God, prays to a God that no longer exists.  They pray for release from this torture.

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