Bucky Meets Class 1-A

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Honestly I didn't know if this was a request or not, but I went ahead and did it anyway

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Honestly I didn't know if this was a request or not, but I went ahead and did it anyway. So thank you Trans_Monster for your request. Even if it wasn't a request it was still fun to write it UwU.

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Category: Fluff

Ship: No ship

Additional info: Katsuki's dog is in the previous one shot.

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 Katsuki was right now jogging to school with Buccky's leash in his hand, Bucky attached to the other end. Along with his school bag he had a smaller bag that contained some stuff to keep Bucky occupied, like a toy, also stuff for Bucky, like treats.

Both parents had work today and Mitsuki refused to give Bucky stay home, so she forced Katsuki to take Bucky with him to school. Mitsuki had checked with the school beforehand, and they said it was ok.

"Come on boy, we're almost there!" Katsuki smiled slightly as he talked to his companion.

Soon Katsuki was outside Call 1-A's door, Bucky wagging his tail excitedly. Katsuki pulled the door open, and walked into the classroom.

Aizawa was at his podium waiting to start class. He looked at Katsuki then at his dog, a face of repulse crossed his face. I mean he did hate dogs, cats were better in his opinion.

"What is...that?" Aizawa asked, pointing to Katsuki's dog.

"He is Bucky, and he's going to spend the day with me at school today." Katsuki said, annoyed at the fact that Aizawa had called Bucky a 'That'.

The class had started to notice Katsuki in the classroom, but Izuku was the first to notice Bucky.

"Kacchan brought Bucky with him today?" Izuku smiled, and walked up to the dog. The dog sniffed Izuku and nuzzled him, after all he was a familiar friend.

"Yeah mom didn't want to leave alone at the house today so she had me take him to school with me." Katsuki said, the class was shocked that Katsuki had not yet yelled at the poor greenette.

"It's been so long since I've seen him. He's certainly grown!" Izuku said, smiling.

"Yeah, that last time you saw him was when he was still a puppy, right?" Katsuki asked unsure.

"Yeah I think so. He was so small when you first got him." Izuku chuckled.

"Yeah he was." Katsuki bent down to pet Bucky along with Izuku. The class is still in shock about Katsuki not yet yelling, at all.

"Well it will have to stay next to you all day. I don't want it near me." AIzawa said.

"Right." Katsuki said, grinding his teeth. He was pissed Aizawa kept calling Bucky an 'it' when he wasn't.Katsuki sat down in his seat, and Aizawa bagan class.

Throughout the entire day random people on campus came up to Katsuki and asked to pet Buky. To which Katsuki replied with a yes, and a warning to his dog's slobber, and overly loving personality.

As the school day came to a close, Katsuki walked out of school with Bucky happily trotting alongside him.

"YOUNG BAKUGOU!" Bakugou whipped his around to see who called him, it was All Might in his skinny form.

"Yeah All Might?" Katsuki asked raising a brow.

"I was wondering if I could pet your dog." He said, coughing into his hand at the end.

"Yeah sure, Bucky meet All Might." He said to his dog. All Might smiled, and bent down, he gave the doggo a good long ear scratch, and pet.

"Thank you Young Bakugou. You should bring him around more often, I think all the students were more relaxed after petting Bucky here." All Might said.

"I would, but I don't think Aizawa would approve. I kinda got the memo that he hates dogs." Katsuki said, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously.

"Well I think that the only opinion that really matters is Nezu's. If he's ok with it then Aizawa will just have to deal with a dog being in the classroom." Katsuki's eyes were wide with surprise at what All Might had just said.

"Well maybe I will have to bring him around more often then." Katsuki smirked, and All Might nodded. Katsuki turned around and walked Bucky home.

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A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and I appreciate feedback.

bye bye~

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