Witchcraft and Spirit Attachment

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Category: Fluff?

Ship: No ship

Warning: Paranormal, swearing, idk if there's anything else.


 Katsuki Bakugou did a lot in his daily life, train, practice his quirk, witchcraft, eat, sleep, robotics, and even socialize when he wanted to of course. What? Witchcraft you say? Well then, I guess I could tell you about that. Though it gets a bit dark if you ask me *shudders*.

I did say Katsuki practised witchcraft, right? Well I was correct, he does. His grandma on his mom's side practises it too. When Katsuki's mom was born his grandma says she lacked the flame that could be kindled by witchcraft. She also said that Katsuki had the flame that could be kindled by witchcraft. His grandma talked to Katsuki about kindling that flame with magic, but only if he wanted to. Katsuki chose yes, it would be cool to learn magic, right?

Well it was fun, but it all came with a price, nothing's ever free you see. When Katsuki chose to have that flame kindled by magic, he also signed up for his world to be flipped upside down.

Spirits were more drawn to him, spirits attached themselves to him. Every week he had a meditation session to clear his mind and speak with these spirits.

Anyway with the spirits came, well everything that comes with them. Things falling off shelves, cold spots, lights flickering, the usual spirit crap. The thing is Katsuki is completely ok with it, he finds comfort in the spirits, and as long as they don't hurt anyone they can stay.

This brings us to today, with Katsuki in the elevator a dum dum lollipop in his mouth, specifically cotton candy flavoured. He stepped out of the elevator and into the common room where most of his class were chatting with each other.

Katsuki walked to his squad and sat next to them on the couch. He took the lollipop out of his mouth, and licked his lips. He looked at his lollipop only for it to fly out of his hand and across the room.

This event caught the eye of the class. Katsuki just groaned in annoyance. Iida was the first to speak up.

"Bakugou it is inappropriate to throw your trash around the room!" He said his hands moving in a chopping motion.

"I didn't throw it dipshit, it was taken from me." Katsuki said as he stood up to retrieve his lollipop.

"What do you mean by it was taken from you?" Kirishima asked.

"I mean Lucy took it from me." Katsuki and threw away the lollipop as it was on the dirty ground.

"Lucy?" THe class asked.

"Yeah the little girl spirit that's attached to me." Katsuki said as if the answer was obvious.

"Spirit? Attached to you? You mean like GHoSTs?" Kaminari shrieked.

"Yes, ghosts." Katsuki said.

"I am still so confused, how did you get a ghost attached to you?" Sero asked.

"Several are attached to me and things I own. I'll tell you the story of how they attached themselves though." Katsuki said, sitting on the couch once more.

"Yes, please do share!" Mina exclaimed. So the entire class's eyes were on Katsuki, intent on hearing about Katsuki and his spirits.

"Well when I was little we visited my grandma for the week. One day during that week my grandma pulled me into her room to talk to me alone. She told me I had a flame that could be kindled by witchcraft, but only if I chose to kindle it with that. So I chose to kindle my so-called 'flame' with magic. But with learning witchcraft from my grandma there was a price. My price was I'm more vulnerable to spirit attachment. Hosently the spirits aren't so bad, we have an agreement that they can stay if they don't hurt anyone. Plus their fun to talk to. As I said before Lucy the 8 year old little girl spirit attached to me took my lollipop. That's pretty much the end of the story." Katsuki finished. The class sat in awe.

"If you do witchcraft, doesn't that mean you worship satan?" Jirou asked.

"No, I don't do the occult and all that. That's all bad energy, and I only take in good energy, if that makes sense. So I mostly do stuff that revolves around nature, and natural energies." Katsuki explained.

The class froze when they suddenly heard a big thump from upstairs. No one was on the upper floors, they were all in the common room.

"Damnit, I told him to stop knocking down the damned trophy." Katsuki said.

"Who was that?" Mina asked.

"Honestly it was probably John, because that was most likely one of my robotics trophies. The one that John will not stop knocking down." Katsuki said.

"I take it John is another spirit?" Ojiro asked.

"Yup, honestly the most calm out of the bunch." Katsuki said.

"Can I just say, I never thought this conversation would happen in my life." Shouto said, slipping soba that he got from some random ass place. It's like he pulls it out of thin fucking air!

"Yeah, tell me about it." Jirou twirled her jacks around her finger.

"Ack! We are gonna be late for class if we sit around any longer!" Iida stood up, and rushed around to get his thing ready. The rest of the class follows.


A/N: Thanks for reading! I appreciate feedback, and I hope you enjoyed.

Requests are open!

bye bye~

☠︎︎Bᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ Oɴᴇ-Sʜᴏᴛs (Book 1)☠︎︎ [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin