Chapter 4: Hospitality

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AN: Apparently I was wrong, there can be ménage à trois, and quatre, and whatever, like two or three of the guys and the girl, just no interaction between the guys. So expect that, eventually 😉
And I'm going to try to blaze through this and get it finished by the Watty's deadline (September 30th, I believe?), so be prepared for crazy fast updates--and you know what motivates me to update? Lots of reads, and lots of comments😉 yeah.

💕 💕 💕 💕 💕

Momoko considered what she was doing as she walked toward their apartment with the members of Peppermint Silk in the hot July night. Either she was embarking on the beginning of a really great professional and personal relationship with four great guys, or she was being incredibly stupid.

Hopefully not the latter.

They were laughing as they walked, joking around and pushing each other. Sullivan was by far the tallest, possibly topping six four or five, with Jude and Dane about tied for second, though both had to be over six feet. Tommy was a bit shorter than the two of them, though he was still a good for or five inches taller than her. She knew that she herself was maybe five six on a good day in heels, which she wore only rarely, so she was definitely the shortest of the bunch. She was used to this, however; it had been true for her ever since she'd moved to New York.

"Don't you think so, Momoko?" Jude asked, turning to include her in the conversation.

"Sorry, what? I was off in my own head," she apologized, taking a couple of steps to be closer to their conversation.

"We were just saying that New York has got to be the worst smelling city in the world," Tommy repeated. "Between the subways and the sewers and the garbage?"

"You guys have obviously never been to Tokyo," she replied. "The men still think it's okay to pee on the street, and the pollution laws are nonexistent, so you could choke on the car exhaust, honest to Christ--" she nodded for emphasis.

"Someday we'll be famous and we'll tour there, and you can show us all the sights, okay?" Sully said, putting an arm around her shoulder and rubbing.

"Sounds like fun," Jude enthused.

"I agree, though you guys would get mobbed," Momoko laughed.

"You think we'll be that famous?" Sully asked, with a smile.

"Are you kidding? You don't have to be famous," Momoko replied, gesturing to the four of them. "Look at you. Four tall, good looking foreign guys? You'd have girls crawling all over you if we went there now. Throw in the fact that you're musicians and you'd get laid--"

"When do we leave?" Tommy quipped. "Sounds like a fucking plan, man."

Momoko just shook her head and they continued walking.

"This is us," Jude said a minute later, gesturing. He pulled out a key and opened a heavy security door, letting everyone through. They then climbed two flights of outside stairs, after which Sullivan opened a heavy sliding door that led straight into a huge loft space. The side that faced Bleecker Street was floor to ceiling windows, and the back was a bank of doors set into a wall, like a dormitory.

The common space had no separation whatsoever, with a kitchen area blending into a living area, and the only division being provided by huge bookshelves. The entire left half had been set aside as a rehearsal space and filled with musical equipment. It actually had the ambience of a very eclectic hotel.

"What a cool place, and how in the holy hell do you afford this?" Momoko asked, taking a few steps in and looking around.

"It belongs to Sully's uncle," Dane explained. "He's charging us a fraction of what it's worth, so we can afford to live in the city and pursue our dreams."

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