Chapter 28: Today

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As they sat around the table eating dinner, Tommy made a pronouncement. "I think that Momoko and Dane should be in charge of all of our meals from now on."

"Agreed," Sullivan seconded with a mouthful of food.

"Hear hear," Jude agreed while helping himself to more of the shepherd's pie and salad. "would someone pass me the bread, please?"

"Hold on, hold on," Momoko protested. "I'm not agreeing to that. Just because we're the best at it? Is that why?"

"Come on," Tommy wheedled. "You're not just 'best at it,' for crying out loud. You two rock out loud. Everything the rest of us make tastes like pressed toad."

"He's right," Sully said, again with his mouth full.

"It's absolute shite," Jude said with a nod as he buttered his bread. "Even tonight, we barely made the salad, you guys did everything else, right?

"They are right," Dane said, gesturing around the table. "We did the shepherd's pie, we made the bread, I even made the salad dressing. It took every brain cell these three had to chop the vegetables and toss them together."

"Well, maybe you guys need to try harder," Momoko suggested. "Man, this shepherd's pie is the bomb, though, isn't it?"

"That's all we're saying, love," Jude encouraged, lifting his glass in Momoko's direction. "You two are far and away the best."

Just then the buzzer rang, indicating someone was down at the gate, wanting to be let up.

"Anyone expecting anyone?" Sully asked as he rose.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Who is it?" he asked as he pressed the button.

"It's Kay."

He buzzed her up, and opened the door for her.

"Sorry to just drop by unannounced, but I was on my way home and I just got the call, so I figured I'd just tell you in person so I could see your faces--ooh, what smells so good?"

"Here, let me get you a plate, there's plenty," Momoko offered.

After Kay was all set up with food and a glass of wine, she gave them the big news.

"I just got you a slot on the Today Show for tomorrow morning!" she told them. Then she took a drink of wine as she enjoyed the looks on their faces. "It's only the third hour, which is the lowest rated hour," she qualified. "It's not like you're doing a live concert in Rockefeller Plaza or anything."

"Still!" Jude cried. "What fantastic news!" He rose to kiss Kay on the cheek.

The entire table had erupted in sounds of joy and surprise.

"How'd you manage that?" Sully asked.

"Someone cancelled on them, and they needed a musical act to fill a seven minute slot." She looked smug. "I happen to know someone, and he owed me a favor--" she spread her hands, in a "there you go" gesture. "You'll get to perform one number and do three or four minutes of talking, you think you can handle that?"

"Yes ma'am," Momoko assured her. She looked at the guys. "What number you want to do?"

They spent the rest of dinner talking about this exciting development. Kay just ate and listened, a smile on her mouth. When she left, they were heading to their instruments to rehearse a little before making their final decision.

"The guys will be here at eight o'clock to pick up the equipment," she called from the door.

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