Chapter 33: Unexpected News

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Sully looked over at his phone when it pinged, tempted to just ignore it. Momoko was sleeping in his lap, curled up like a kitten, and she felt so good that he didn't want to move her. However, Sullivan Palmer was a responsible man, and it might be something important, so he shifted her slightly so he could reach. He also took the precaution of muting the movie in case he had to call someone back.

It was a cool, mid-October afternoon, a gray day with rain imminent, and the loft was warm and cozy. The other three guys were attempting to bake a pie or something in the kitchen, and various bangings and swear words could be heard from time to time as things invariably went wrong.

Momoko whined in complaint at being moved and stretched, her glorious body pulling taut against Sully's, making him smile as he grabbed his phone.

He read the text and sat up, eyes opening wide in surprise.

Hm. Well.

This was the last person he was expecting to hear from.

He read it again, shaking his head, then set his phone aside, within easy reach this time. He unmuted the movie and continued watching, saying nothing about it when the guys finally got the pie in the oven and joined him and the slumbering Momoko to watch the end of the movie.

Momoko woke up just as the movie was ending, stretching again, elongating her body and yawning loudly. She sat up slowly, blinking and sniffing. "Mm, what's that yummy smell?"

"We made a pumpkin pie," Tommy explained. "It should be just about ready, too."

"We just have to whip up the cream," Jude said.

"Ooh, fresh cream," Momoko said, clapping her hands. "When can we have some?"

"Not until after dinner, of course," Dane answered loftily. "It's for dessert."

"Come on," Momoko wheedled. "I'm hungry now."

But nothing she said would change their minds.

"Fine," she finally said, pouting. "Just for that, I'm keeping my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I was going to cancel it and stay home with you guys to wait for our new equipment to arrive, but now I'm not."

"What?" The guys were aghast. "What kind of stupid logic is that? That doesn't even make sense! We won't give you pie so you're going to the doctor instead of staying home to look at our new amps?"

"I think we're glossing over something important here, anyway, mates," Jude said, slipping an arm around Momoko's waist. "Um, why, young lady, are you going to the doctor?"

"I'm not telling," Momoko said, stepping away from Jude. "You guys can just stay home and worry. Maybe I have cancer. Maybe I have a fucking tumor."

"Peaches, this isn't funny," Dane said, untying his apron and setting it on a stool as he, too, approached her. "What's wrong?"

Momoko saw the looks on their faces, all turned toward her, and relented. "Oh, you guys, I'm just teasing, I'm so sorry. It's just my routine annual girlie appointment. You know, gyno? Pap smear, cervical, all that good stuff? It's going to take a while, because I'm going to the school clinic. I'm still eligible on my school insurance, just barely, so I want to take advantage of it, you know? I'm sorry I'm going to miss seeing the new equipment delivered, but I'll be home in the afternoon when we all rehearse and play with it, okay?"

She made hand gestures to draw them all in to her for a group hug. "I'm sorry I was such a bitch about the pie," she said, making everyone laugh. "And for saying what I said about the tumor. I'm fine, I'm not sick or anything."

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