New Workplace, Old Shit.

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I got an email two days after the whole discussion with Karan, that I'm being transferred to the other branch. I cleared all my stuff from the current office, got new files and stationary to get settled at the new branch. Today is my first day, working for a TV News Channel and I'm excited. My department is yet to be decided, which I will mostly find out today. From now on, I don't have to sit at one place editing all day. I'll get to experience shooting, show productions, meet senior Prime Time reporters and I'll even be able to earn more. I can't wait!

Ayesha told me that she didn't do well on her first interview for NDTV last week and that she has another interview today with one of an internationally renowned news firm BBC. It's almost impossible to even get shortlisted to sit for an interview with BBC, I don't know what article she submitted to get it. If she gets selected today, she'd be unstoppable.

I pick my black suit and pencil skirt, because I decided to make an impression on the first day. This is a great opportunity and I have to make the most of it. I'll have to deal with Karan, ofcourse, but I think I'll be able to handle it. I just hope I don't drop any things or myself on the floor today. That is all I'm asking for.

"So, are you excited?", Arjun asks me on the phone, just as I arrive at the building's entrance.

"Yes, and nervous too. I'm no longer working for columns on a website, I'm working for their News Channel now. Can you believe that? It takes people more than a year or two to get here and I got here in six months!"

"I'm proud of you, Trisha".

"No, actually.. Karan got here and he dragged me along".

"Forget about all that. You're here and that is all that matters. Just focus on what you have ahead of you, alright?"

"Yeah, I will. All the best to you too!".

"Thanks! Alright then, gotta run. Miss you!", he says and hangs up.

There's a weird comfort in talking to Arjun. He just instantly makes things better. Also, he's attending some music audition today and he's really excited for it. I hope he gets selected.

"Oh there you are, Trisha Mehra. Come on in", Karan says walking towards me and I roll my eyes.

He leads the way and I follow him to the third floor.

"This is our workspace, we write all our articles here", he says showing me around, "that big room to the right is for rehearsals, the room next to it is the conference room. Second floor is for makeup and side-news shooting. First floor is for all the live shows, prime time debates etc. Fourth floor is for all the technicians, editing, post-production and stuff. Cafeteria, food court, and everything else is on the fifth floor. Senior Managers and Heads of all departments, the CEO of this branch, all have their offices on the sixth floor. Did you get everything?"

"So, this whole building is just.. ours?", I ask in confusion. The old branch we worked at had all of us in one single floor, which wasn't even half the size of the room that I'm standing in right now.

"Yeah, obviously. If you're going to be this dumb, they're going to fire you on your first day. Won't wait around for you to throw frames and break glass doors", he says sarcastically.

"You shamelessly took credit for Ayesha's politics article and you think you can say all that?"

"FYI, I never did. My manager did give me the article but I trashed it in the bin because I'd never touch an article written by her. So if you're done trying to get back at me, let me show you your desk, okay?"

"Okay, sorry", I apologise. I have no option.

"Yeah, you better maintain that tone with me", he says leading me to my desk, "this is your desk and that closed glass cabin you see right opposite, that is mine. And from now on, you shall address me as 'sir' because I'm your Team Lead".

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