Chapter 2

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Jacob/Zelk's POV

It already has been like, what- ten minutes? Where is the rest? "Hey Dave! Where's the rest?" I asked. "I texted them all and they responded with just a few minutes." he answered. "Well they better hurry up!" I said and then turned back to Mega. He was on his phone. I leaned in to see what he was doing. "Whatcha doing over there Mega?" I asked. He looked at me and then back at his phone. Eh- oh wait. He points to his phone. He's writing something. "You said that It's going to be a great party. Where is the rest?" he wrote down. "Dave said that they'll take just a few more minutes-"

"WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE!" Someone said very loudly and slammed the door wide open. "Clay! Did you have to do that??" sounds like George. "Ah! It's fine! Clay responded. "Jesus man." Sapnap said. "You Guys are somewhat late bruh." Dave said, very monoton. "Sorry Dave. SOMEONE wanted us to look great." George explained. "Hey-! This morning you two looked very dead! Look at you now. All better and not dead!" Clay answered and patted George and Sapnap. Okey.
"You do know that we are also here Clay." someone said in the back. "Hi Guys!" Darryl and Vincent came in.
"Finally! Everyone's here!" I said happily, but also a bit frustrated. "Now we can have fun damnit!"

"Haha! Yea fun indeed Jacob!" Clay laughed. What-? "What do you mean Clay?" I asked confused, with a nervous smile. He looked at me, then Mega and then back at me, raising his eyebrows- Oh-! "Clay! You little Asshole!" I said loudly and ran over to him and he just ran away laughing.
The rest seemed a bit confused. Mega just looked off the side with wide eyes.

After that we did all sorts of things. We cooked and almost burned down Dave's house, sometimes teasing eachother, playing video games, normal games like Uno and what not.
It was alot if fun.


"Hey hey! How about we watch some movies!" I said. "I mean sure, why not." Vincent answered. The rest just agreed. "On what. On Netflix." Clay said, smirking. "Yea! Wait- no. Don't you-" I got cut off. "Uhuh Netflix and Chill~" I looked at him with a pure hatered. Really. Really?! "Not like I would be the only one who would want it~!" I said back. Clay laughed, tho I can tell it was a nervous laughter.
"Ooohhh!" the others said. Mega just hid his face in his scarf. Why are so cute!

Clay/Dream's POV

Did he just flip an Unoreverse Card on me or what-?! I just laughed it off, but I mean why not. "Pah! Don't be silly Jacob! Let's just watch a damn movie. Which one tho?"
We took some time to think and then just ended with the movie American Horror Story. It is somewhat scary, If I do say so myself, but I'll still act like I'm not scared. From my peripheral vision I can see Jacob wanting to be very close to Mega. I know that he loves Mega, but I don't know to what degree.
I quickly look away before he sees me looking at him, then look at Sapnap and George. Oh George, you can't hide from me that you're scared. I can tell, tho Sapnap is a little better. He ain't that scared. Yet. I nudge George.

"W-what?" his voice trembeling a bit. "Ya scared? Scaredy cat?" i said. He nudges me back. "Pff- n-no. Why would I." he whispers back. "Yo Sap, we got a little scaredy cat over here." i said. Sapnap giggled quitely. "Shut up you two!" he loudly whispered to us. "Hey George look." and pointed to the TV. He turned to the TV and immediately screamed at the sight of what great horror just came up. I just grabbed him and hugged him tight. "Shhh. It's okey you scaredy cat." quietly giggling to myself. After like 2 minutes he realises what just happned and pushed himself away turning red from embarrassment. "Clay!" he said and turned away. We all just laughed. I looked over to Darryl and didn't even realised that he also screamed. He probably hugged Zak out of fear. Haha. After that we continued watching.

George/Georgenotfound's POV

Oh. My. God. That was so emerassing! Curse you Clay! I calmed down after a little while. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I said. "Want me and Sapnap to come with you~? He teased. "No!" and walked to the bathroom upstairs. Sapnap coughed. "Wait- what?! he turned to Clay, confused and nervously smiling. "What." Clay snickered. I walked in, closed the door and washed my face with cold water. I didn't wanna fall asleep or something. Clay seems so flirty and much more weirder than back then. What's up with him.

Jacob/Zelk's POV

Seems like someone likes his friends. Hahaha. Also, did Clay really think that I didn't notice him looking at me. I thought you were better man. "Hey Guys, you wanna play truth or dare?" "What is this? A cliché Story for anything?" Clay smirked. "Do you have a better Idea then?" I asked. "Well, not that I know of since we played alot if stuff already." he answered. "Come on then. Let's play!" "Can't we watch just a little longer." Dave and Vincent asked.
I sighed and just agreed. After like 5 minutes George came back, sits down and slighty leans against Clay's shoulder. "Don't takes this the wrong way Clay." George said, while Clay giggled. Oohhh Clay~ what's with you. Hm...

After watching watching it for a little longer, we finally played truth or dare.
"Alright! Uhm... Darryl!"
"Did you get scared during the movie and hugged Zak?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"Uh-?! Hmpf.. I-" and before he could even talk Zak just cut him off.
"He totaly did! He's such a baby." Zak said.
"I did not and I'm not a baby!" he turned away. "Okey! Jacob!" he said confident.
"Heh, Yea?"
"Do you like like Mega?" Darryl asked. All the attention turned to me now.
Should I lie... or should I tell the truth... why couldn't he just dared me to-
"OH! I have something better!" Zak exclaimed. "Kiss Mega!"

As soon as Mega heared that come out of his mouth his eyes widened and then looked at me not knowing what to do. I whispered to Mega. "Just a quick one. If you want on the cheek only."
Mega thought for a little, while the other waited, chanting some weird shit. He then sighed, pulled down his scarf a little, closed his eyes and leaned his cheek to me. Oh my god. I just gave a quick little kiss.
"Oohh- Hey! What was that?!" Zak asked.
"What do you mean?! Quick little kiss! That's what it was!" I answered.

Mega's POV

... After that little kiss Jacob gave me I just touched my face where he gave me the kiss. I looked over to Jacob and Zak arguing and then back at my hand. Before I did anything else I just heared Jacob saying "Okey then!" and just kissed me on the lips. I couldn't do anything for a moment, It was like someone just stunned me or something. Then he let go and apologized to me lot if times. ... He looked at me concerned, maybe because I was breathing heavily and looking around everywhere. "I-I'm sorry. I'll go to the kitchen real quick." I quietly whispered to him and my way to the kitchen.

"Wait Mega! Ugh! Great Job Zak!" I heared Jacob say.
"I mean you were the one who kissed him!" he said blaming Jacob.
They probably started a fight by now, over such a small thing. ... Jeez.
I just grabbed what ever drink there was on the table and quietly made my way to the bathroom. I closed the door and just tried to clear myself from what happened. Drinking what ever was in this damn bottle and while I did that I heared someone coming upstairs, but I couldn't be bothered to hide or do anything.

"Mega?" Sounds like Clay. "You okey there buddy. I know you don't really talk, but come one."
I just sighed and moved away from the door so he can come in. He opened the door, closing it and sitting down next to me. "Need to think about what just happened, hm?" Clay asked and I just nodded. We stayed silent for awhile, Clay can be really nice.

After a little while we heared someone running upstairs. "Mega?! Mega, where are you?!" it was Jacob. He quickly opened the every door, then the bathroom door and almost hitting Clay. "Woah calm down Jacob!" he said. Jacob had a worried expression and looked at the both of us. "What were you Guys doing here??" he asked. "Jeez don't worry Jacob. I was just trying to comfort Mega." Clay explained and Jacob then just hugged me. I guess he really was worried about me.

Clay/Dream's POV

I looked at Mega and Jacob hugging eachother and for a split second Jacob had a very angry, insane look on his face. ... This is going to be very... interesting.

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