{T E R R I T O R I A L}

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(Well, I was asked to complete another chapter of Fated.. so as a good author, I shall comply with that aha! Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

After Papyrus went missing just yesterday, I was forced to stay in Sans' room. He placed me on the comfort of his mattress, keeping me locked up... if I moved from his bed, he'd send me a sharp stare that immediately demanded for me to return.

The soft noises that generally came from Snowdin no longer sounded through the streets. It was almost as though things became a bit of a ghost town.

Earlier today, Sans came back with a sticky substance on his white gloves. It was a deep red color, and he tried to hide it from me... but I noticed. 

Frisk also wasn't allowed to come upstairs since Sans was standing guard, but when he left- they tried to press their back against his door and talk.

It was relaxing... even if I decided not to respond.

Frisk told me about how they explained what was going on to Sans. They told him about the tests, and about who those people were that fell. Why they had weapons, and that they were trying to capture us in an effort to continue their experiments... Sans didn't take it well apparently.

According to Frisk, Sans' bone magic would fade after awhile unlike Papyrus' attacks. Paps kept some of his bones in his room, ones that didn't falter in the past. Now, all that remained in his bone boxes was dust. A sign that the tall skeleton was gone...

However, my friend mentioned that Sans lashed out in a fit of blind rage upon learning what was going on. His attacks penetrated through the floors, walls and furniture... but had yet to vanish. A theory was that it was a primitive claim of his own area, or even a warning to those that tried to come into the house. Maybe both.

Regardless... the sickly liquid of red was obvious on his clothing, and caused me to shiver anxiously. A few weeks ago, I would of been horrified and cowering in a corner at the sight of him... begging to not be hurt.

Sans had no remorse. He didn't care for others that weren't of value to him. Apparently, the skeleton had some kind of depressive state of mind that was much more noticeable until I came around... Frisk claimed that Sans probably would of given up by now had it not been for having a mate. That his mindset would of been much more dark without Papyrus around.

But lately... I couldn't tell if the Monster walking around the house was even Sans. His eye lights were usually gone, he didn't really speak. Sans was hostile and very easily provoked by me moving in the slightest. At this point, I wasn't sure if we should be running from here... or from the others.

Frisk wanted to do both.

It's almost been two days since things started to really go down hill... and now, the idea of trying to get away became more and more appealing. Monsters were dying left and right, almost the entire Underground was gone... more Humans apparently came in search of us....

My Soul ached at the thought of everyone dying.

It was my fault.

I don't want to be alive if this is what the future holds. If my desire to live... causes suffering for everyone... then I should be dead.

Soon, I felt an unimaginable stress upon my Soul. I didn't pay too much attention to it, because I felt as though I deserved anything painful that came my way.

Apparently, King Asgore died the other day... his Soul broke upon sensing the death of his mate, Toriel. He held on for awhile, tried to be strong... but his magic gave in, and his Soul's longing to be with its other half complied by brining him to death.

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