Chapter 1

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I thought I wasn't going to be able to talk to him again. Let alone see him. Last time I saw him was October of last year. He crushed my soul in January by leaving my life. But he decided to come back into it. And I'm glad he did. I was different with out him. It's like there was this part of me that I didn't not know of. I got super super cranky, I never wanted to be around people, and I always wanted to stay in my room and write songs.

But he changed me back to myself again. Just by texting me a few messages. I really never knew that things could happen like that. And weird enough that I was dreaming about him a the couple of nights before he even decided to speak to me again.

I've seen pictures of him, and he's changed since I last saw him in October. But I'm not to sure if his personality or anything like that has changed. I guess I'll have to wait and see, until he texts me again.

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