Arc 1. Chapter 6-3

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There was an old tale in this world, ingrained in our folklore.

It didn't matter whether it was the Runno Continent or the Graysa Islands. Although the tale changed slightly depending on where in the world you heard it, the core of it remained the same.

It was the tale of the nine demons.

A long, long time ago, before the Magi created their empire and dragons disappeared, before even Queen Isshai won the right to the throne against all her brothers and brought glory and prosperity to the ancient Kingdom of Sezh; demons were abound across the land, being the dominant species instead of humans.

Well, calling them demons would be a little too much. That's the name that was given to them afterwards, their real name long forgotten. A lot of scholars and archaeologies theorized that these 'demons' were actually a different species of humans, though there's no actual proof of this.

The demons roamed the earth thousands of years in the past, constructing civilizations and rising to power, dominating the planet unhindered by anyone else with their magic. It was told they used humans as slaves, the species that looked so similar but were completely powerless and weak compared to them.

But then, somehow and without anyone knowing how it happened, humans learned magic, leading to a bloody war that lasted for nine generations with the Magi at the front of the human forces.

At the end of the war, the demons were defeated and completely killed. The demons, a species that governed the planet for thousands of years, was no more, and the only trace left of them and their existence were a number of ruins scattered around the world and ancient texts written in old runes that could not be translated.

The tale of the nine demons took place a long time after this war. Nine Generals, each for every generation that fought against the humans, left behind a piece of their will after their deaths, just before the war ended. Humans hungry for power looked for them in the ruins of their destroyed civilization, and took them for themselves. But, what they didn't count with was that the wills were far stronger than them. Taking possession of their bodies, they broke havoc upon the world once again, this time not with the idea of winning a war, but of completely annihilating the human race in retaliation for the genocide of their species. They killed half the human population at the time before the armies of all the countries in the Runno continent united forces and finally took them down. The bodies of the humans with the will of the generals were sealed away in nine different points of the continent, to prevent them from ever waking up again.

But what are seals for if not for breaking? A decade or so before the beginning of the manga, the seals on the nine demons were broken and their power retaken by another group of stupid humans that thought they were strong enough to overcome the generals and take over their magic for themselves. Bad luck though, they obviously couldn't and, as a result, the demons were once again free to roam the earth, this time planning more carefully to completely destroy us all.

Thus, we have arrived at the central point of the manga and also revealed who the real villains are behind all the bad things that had been happening since before we were even born. They're not those oily, unscrupulous humans who are conquering and submitting the countries as they advance in their conquest, they're the demons taking possession of their bodies! The ancient menace you've only heard of in old tales! And what's more, you know what the best part of it all is? War arc! Who doesn't love the final war arcs of any shonen manga? The complete deviation of the original plot just so you can finish all with a bang and have the heroes save the world with a super long, super boring war arc!

But I'm rambling here. There's a reason I told this story in the first place, it was not only an excuse to complain. Oh no, I don't need any excuses for that. The thing here is, the viscount, the figure I'm seeing of him right here, paper white and inhuman... it was the exact same form the humans possessed by the demons would take when things in a battle took a turn for the worse... for them. Like a defensive mechanism. It was the original form the 'demons' would have while still alive, their power manifesting in black forms dancing all over their bodies.

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