Part 9♦️: Honour Among Demons

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"Wake up sleepin' beauty.." Crooned an unknown voice with a thick New Yorker drawl as a couple of coaxing slaps hit his rounded cheek. Angel Dusk gave a slight cry of surprise at the strikes since he was in the process of coming too. He had no idea where he was or how he got here, all he could really remember was being clipped on the head from behind. He quickly realised that he must have been knocked out and brought here.

"C'mon sweetheart the don wants a word.." When the effeminate pale pink spider blinked his odd sclera pink eyes open and blink in some confusion before squinting at the harsh light of the ceiling. He was in what looked like some kind of interrogation room, not that he had a lot of experience in them.

"Shame he ain't a dame, then he'd be cute.." The sound of a second goon that Angel hadn't noticed before now piped up with an amused smirk, this made the first goon spider chuckle lightly.

"Eh, don't worry. He won't be so cute once the don is done with him. Will ya pretty boy?" He added ruffling the effeminate pink spider's head fluff lightly in some display of false affection then turning away and walking out the door chuckling with his 'buddy'. The door shut behind them leaving him alone in this dingy bare room that only had one table and two small wooden chairs, one he occupied and one he didn't.

"Pfft.. Fuckin' jagoffs.." Angel frowned wanting to move one of his top hands to fix his now mussed up hair but found that his top two sets of arms were strapped behind his back. Cursing under his breath at how tight the bindings were he did the only thing he could, manifest his currently only set of free lower hands. As one hand tried to fix his fringe the other delved into his cleavage of fluff in search of his compact mirror before remembering Cherri had it. At the sound of the door knob rattling and turning Angel realised too late that he should have unbound the bindings to free himself. As the door opened only the long slim first foot of Henroin Ragno was revealed coming through before a voice caught his attention and he turned back.

"You boys deal with Legs while I deal with our gender confused guest. Kapeesh!" The soft but wisened old voice of his father made the scowl drop from Angel's face as it was replaced with fear, his blood becoming ice cold. He wasn't even properly in the room yet but the effeminate spider could tell that his long estranged parent was furious just from the undertone of rage in his voice, it brought flashbacks of trauma that he'd tried so hard to repress.

"Consider it done." The goons outside responded before their footsteps quickly vanished. Angel could only presumes that 'Legs' meant Cherri as he had no idea what had become of her or Arackniss for that matter. Unfortunately he didn't get time to dwell on the matter as Henroin Ragno finished stepping through the door, making the pale pink spider flash a nervous grin. He looked almost exactly like Angel remembered him. Pissed off.

"Eh-heheh... H-hi Papi...." He uttered as he cringed and trembled a little in his seat, feeling exactly like the scared teenage boy he had been the last time they had been in a room together...


Cherri Bomb had been in a small dingy room somewhere in this place that the mobsters called a Gentleman's Club. She had no idea where Angel was as in the bar he had been knocked out by the old spider's mob crew then removed from her sight while she was held fast looking down the barrels of several guns pointed in her direction. The one-eyed female with strawberry blonde hair had been forced just to watch them cart off Angel as Henroin had grabbed his eldest boy hard and wordlessly glared at him in fury. Arackniss had instantly fallen cow-toed, becoming a mere shell of the spider demon she had seen over the last day and she realised that her best friend had been right, he was trapped. It had been this moment that the goons holding her as they had dragged her off and the last thing she heard in the damaged building was a heavy sounding smack and Arackniss' cry of pain..

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