Part 9

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Dear Harry,

i miss you.

i miss you A LOT.

missing you is an understatement there is no words that could express how i feel right now. i can't explain it.. it's like i have a constant knot in my stomach, the pain never goes away.

i feel horrible for sharing my pain with you but i have always told you everything since the day we met. you have been there to listen to me.. you were my shoulder to cry on.

today i needed to get out, i needed to leave this room. i took this journal and walked to the lounge.. i was the only person in there. i took a seat on the most comfortable sofa ever.

it wasn't fun without you, not having anyone to laugh at my lame jokes or my stupid humour. i felt so tiny in this huge planet not knowing where to go or what to do.

today you called me, you told me how fun tour was and i told you i was doing well. i told you everything so far that had happened to me. i told you about the girl next door. i told you everything ''i love you leah'' you said to me. my heart melted. i know you dont love me like a relationship but as a friend and i love you too harry.

we didn't have long to speak because you had to go. but those 5 minutes is all i needed. all i needed was to hear your voice and tell you how much i missed you.

''leah'' my nurse called me.. i guess thats my call to follow her.

i will write again soon.

with so much love,

leah x

Dear Harry, The One Where I Write To You. ( harry styles) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now