Chapter 3

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They met their enemies far from the shore, King George V is ready to fight with all her might alongside the 1st fleet ships, Illustrious, Lexington, Newcastle, Phoenix and Sendai. Then King George V signaled the vanguard fleet to attack the cruisers while they're handling the enemy's backline. King George V glances at Jean Bart's vessel seemingly preparing for a decisive attack.

"Jean Bart of Vichiya Dominion, can you support our vanguard?" George requested then Jean Bart seems annoyed.

"Why would I take such request from a Royal Navy ship?" She taunted; George finds this as something of pride or resentment, but she quickly dismisses it since she understands her situation.

"I am the flagship of this fleet and Commander Sieghart has put me in charge." She paused as she fires her volley against the carriers which some hit, but the rest missed then she continued to speak, "He is deducing the enemy's motives for the engagement, so that is why you need to comply with the orders."

"Hmph. Fine, just this time." She finally agreed and she fires her shell against the cruisers which made a devastating attack because one of the Siren cruisers just split into half which surprised George. However, the Siren planes are keeping the pressures for their aircraft.

"Your Highness, our air superiority is the same as theirs. It may take a while before we could land a hit." Illustrious reported as her planes retreated to her flight deck to reload for the next attack.

"Do not fret, we will overcome them like we always do." George reassured her but then she almost got hit by a torpedo attack coming from a Siren cruiser. Commander Sieghart comes out from the control bridge and heads out to the deck to meet with George.

"Commander, it's too dangerous out here, please head inside." George asked him while retaining her composure despite almost near in lethal situation.

"I will take the command now. Good work, George." He replied as he stands beside George and he's confident he could win this battle.

"Lexington, lure their planes away from the battle. Illustrious, from your next fighter cooldown attack the lured Siren planes. Sendai prepare your flares on my mark, Phoenix and Newcastle, keep the pressure until Sendai released the flares. George, once Sendai released the flares, unleash your barrage." Commander Sieghart ordered which all of them complied and he deliberately let Jean Bart have her free reign to attack the enemies as he still assessing her capabilities which is taken notice by George.

"Commander, is it fine to let Jean Bart do as she pleases?" George is worried for the outcome while they're fighting against the Siren fleet.

"For now, yes. I want to see her capabilities first even as half-repaired." He answered her question earlier then there's an explosion near George's vessel, but he didn't hide nor run, he simply stands still and watch the battle to unfold.

Once Sendai released her flares and the Siren planes has been lured away, quickly George fires her barrage as the vanguard fleet moves away from firing range and their carrier fleet destroyed the Siren planes. Jean Bart quickly caught up to the cue and attack the two carriers which made them split into half thus made Commander Sieghart clap for victory.

"Good work everyone. Finally! a good defense battle for the first time." He said to them as he puts his hands to his back and smiles also retaining his composure. He glances at Jean Bart's vessel he is very impressed how tanky it is despite how many times it's being attacked by the Sirens planes.

"Thanks to your guidance, Commander. This became a perfect victory worthy celebrating." Illustrious said as she clasps her hands together.

"Commander, your actions today were decisive unlike your previous sorties. What did it make you do so?" George asked as she looks to Commander Sieghart who is stood still unflinching despite the earlier event.

"You could say, I have a little motivation to do my work more." He admitted then casually tucked his hands to his pockets before clearing his throat.

"In that case, should we have a party once we head back? I'm going to sing as an idol!" Lexington offered which everyone agreed except for Jean Bart who just brushed it off.

"I'll arrange some of it then." He agreed to her plan and he thinks of this way as a reward to his ship girls, but except for Jean Bart who clearly isn't interested with it which he took notice.

Once they got back to the port, they we're greeted by many ship girls and they proceed to do their merrymaking during dinner which made a lot of noise at the mess hall, but they don't mind. It's their first victory after so long without much Siren threat invading their base. Commander Sieghart is having a drink away from the crowd and just watching over them to do their merrymaking. Then after a few minutes, he decides to head out and have a small stroll.

As he's having a stroll while carrying a bottle of wine, he reached to the docks and sees Jean Bart sitting at her main battery while looking at the stars.

"Jean Bart." He called out which caught the attention of the prideful battleship.

"Care for a drink?" He invited her which she gestures as 'be my guest'

So, he hopped into her ship as she is sitting down at her main battery bringing out the bottle of wine.

"You have forgotten the glass, le commandante. How uncouth." She said which made him chuckle.

"I do have some of those moments, I do admit." He replied as he sits down, Jean Bart took out two of the wine glass inside of the vessel and gave him one. Then once they're set, he poured down the wine to their glass wines.

"This is like an unofficial welcome toast for you, since you're not at the mess hall earlier for the celebration." He said as he makes a toast with her before taking a sip.

"It is not my thing; I prefer somewhere quiet." She replied as she takes a sip to her wine.

"I see, I do feel the same way sometime. However, most of the time I'm needed with the crowds. Which is kind of annoying especially for military purposes." He said as he takes another sip and takes a small glance to the mess hall building.

"Ho? Party isn't your thing? Earlier seems like you're enjoying it." She said her opinion brazenly regarding to his words, as she takes a sip to her wine, she looks at the commander seemingly there's something she wants to say.

"Hmph. I don't mind those opinions." He chuckled as he found her opinion amusing at the same time, he really admits within him those kinds of parties don't seem bad.

"I heard about you before." She paused as she looks at him which caught Sieghart's attention.

"You were called the beast, correct?" She continued which made him jaw dropped as he can't believe what he heard.

"Actually, 'the foolish beast'." He corrected her once he takes hold of his composure before taking another sip to his wine. "But then they realized I am too much battle hungry person that I need a 'therapy', so I was placed at the backline forcibly." He added as he refills wine to his glass wine.

"Hmph. I didn't expect you will be known for that reason. Oh well, that's enough I don't want to discuss it further." She said giving off a headache vibe and finished drinking her wine.

"Alright then. I don't mind, it's also a headache from my experience." He replied as he clearly remembers his past from just mentioning the name.

Then Jean Bart stood up, Commander Seighart looked at her.

"Leaving?" He asked then she nods so she jumps down from her ship leaving him behind which made him sigh.

"Welp, I guess that's a good conversation once in a while." He thought to himself as he finished all the wine and hops down to the docks and then was spotted by Newcastle.

"Heading back to your room?" She asked and Commander Sieghart smiles.

"Yeah, I am." He answered as he started walking back to his room. The wine didn't do much to leave him drunk.


Wew, 3rd chapter done. Well, slowly but surely here it goes!

Thanks for the support!

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