Chapter 7

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Hornet's fleet finally met up with the 1st fleet and they're moderately damaged and Commander Sieghart can't help but put the blame on himself since he didn't realize sooner.

"Sorry about this, Hornet, my ignorance made it this far." He admits his mistake then he looks to their fleet two of them are missing.

"Dunkerque, where are the other two?" He asked then Dunkerque made a slight face of pain

"They... They fought bravely to let us escape." Dunkerque answered which made his eyes shocked at the same time the guilt grew even more.

"Damn it--- My mistakes are fatal to this point!" He muttered and even screamed inside that he is to blame whatever is to happen to them. He could've been court martialed and depromoted for his incompetence.

He then regains his composure as he's now deadly serious and very pissed off. Which made everyone of them see that he's emitting an intimidating aura. This is the exact aura he is known for, during his time as a lieutenant of the navy.

"This is s**t! I had enough, I'll see those Sirens to their deaths and heads had been cutted off!" He proclaimed and they didn't expect him to say that line. He clenches his fists to show he's totally not in the mood for any mistakes.

"Lexington, scout Northampton's and Jean Bart's location, we will find them while we wreck those Sirens' asses off!" He ordered then Lexington complied.

"Dunkerque, I'm sorry if this happened. I swear not to make the same mistake as this." He vowed and Dunkerque is at loss since she doesn't know what to say about this. But he didn't expect any answers from her, all that matters he swore not to make such fatal mistakes like today.

Once they're all set, they're now sailed off once again. Commander Sieghart goes back to the control bridge. He is determined to show his enemies not mess with him, yet once again the distorted voice can be heard on the radio.

"Showing your true colors? Yes, let it go and feel the anger!" The distorted voice again spoke but this time it's now showing it's a woman's voice. After hearing that, he closed the radio for now to prevent it from annoying him any further.

Illustrious scout planes spotted Jean Bart and Northampton badly damaged which she quickly opened her communication with Commander Sieghart.

"Commander, I have found them, they're being chased by the Siren planes. I shall intercept them quickly before it gets worse." Illustrious reported

"Good, you may intercept, destroy every last one of them." He replied then looked again to the radar to spot any ships hiding.

Once they finally reach Northampton and Jean Bart, Commander Sieghart sees the damages dealt to their riggings, it's very awful from the deck where he is. Then he looks at them.

"Recover yourselves for 10 minutes, then spring to action." He said with his stern tone, then Northampton and Jean Bart saluted.

"Commander, we have encountered copies of Siren elites, they're almost everywhere." Northampton reported which Commander Sieghart took note of it.

"They wanted us to be their food eh?" He thought then he looked to George who was continuing to fire her main batteries against the Siren ships before he turned his back to them.

"Le commandant, even though I sustained heavy damage I can still fight!" Jean Bart protested as she wanted to be back into action.

"Jean Bart! You had enough for a while, take a 10 minute break or you will fall here with those Sirens, now follow my orders!" Commander Sieghart pressed before George's vessel moved forward towards the Siren fleet leaving the two to take their small rest.

Pride and Recognition (Azur Lane fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora