Chapter 6

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Right now, Hornet's fleet sails first before the 1st fleet but for the meantime, Commander Sieghart is residing on King George V's vessel. He's doing sightseeing to the sea from the deck before George joins in.

"Commander, why don't you send out the 2nd fleet with us?" George asked while looking at the sea.

"The 2nd fleet is still under reshuffling of members and besides they've just returned from the commission." Commander Sieghart answered then sat down on the floor.

"Commander, do you want to know why I joined your fleet?" She said then Commander Sieghart closed his eyes seemingly not bothered.

"If you like to tell." He replied then continued to look to the open sea.

"You're an extraordinary commander. Worthy of my respect." She said while holding to her rapier's hilt.

"I see, I don't see myself as one, but it's a good cheer." he replied as he stands up as they're now approaching to the mist.

"George, keep our fleet together, we don't want them to get lost within this mist." He ordered as he went inside the vessel.

"Of course, it will be done." She complied.

Once Commander Sieghart is at the control bridge, he tries to contact Hornet's fleet through radio but to no avail.

"So, there's jamming inside the Mirror Sea... So that's why Dunkerque is suspicious on how did the HQ found out there's a Mirror Sea here without actually entering inside." He thought as he kept on trying different radio frequencies to communicate.

"Hmm... Huh?" He found out something was happening on the radio frequency he checked and it's giving out a distorted voice.

"Hello, Com-man-der of Azur Lane." The distorted voice greeted him on the radio which surprised him and then George walked in.

"Commander, did you hear that?" George asked with a worrisome tone.

"Heard what? The distorted voice?" He responded then George shakes her head.

"No, the shrieking sound from below of our position. It's interfering with our communications with the other fleet." George corrected him and then he looked back to the radio and slammed it.

"Damn it! I should've known! It seems my inexperienced self made this far...!" He blamed himself then he looked at George in a painful manner.

"Tell everyone to make distance with one another and---" Before he could finish his command, the vessel suddenly shook violently which made huge waves on each side affecting the other ships making him and George to cling on to the nearby stand.

"Tsk! If only my radar didn't malfunction, I'm so sorry Commander!" George apologized as she regained her composure from the violent shake earlier.

"No! It is my fault for being ignorant." Commander Sieghart admitted placing himself the blame as he stood up while holding onto the terminal, "Shout to them that to make distance, we have enemy submarines within our perimeter!" He continued

"Yes, Commander!" She obliged as she went out.

"So are you having fun? It's only getting started, you know." The distorted voice coming from the radio spoke and made Commander Sieghart have goosebumps upon hearing it, as it sounds sadistic.

"Who is this damn person on this frequency?!" He shouted to the radio as he simultaneously checked George's equipment, especially the radar.

No answer, it's just silence but still made him feel creeped out, he doesn't know the Sirens as much as the other commanders do. Even though he has been on the frontlines before, he hasn't seen anything that looks like an alien humanoid, only alien ships.

Pride and Recognition (Azur Lane fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن