Chapter 4

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After two days... It is time to change a secretary since Newcastle has been Commander's secretary for three months, It is time to give her a rest. So right now, early morning at Commander's room, he's checking the candidates papers to become his secretary. Although, according to some suggestions, Dunkerque is the best pick because she's new around the base, she's reliable and she could learn more about the Commander. Sieghart sees this matter as if Newcastle never left her post which made him sigh and he doesn't want to think that way. Then there's Illustrious, she's kind and soothing but at the same time assets can be a bother to him so he slaps the paper to his face before going to the next candidate.

Next candidate is Jintsuu, well she is a perfect candidate for his needs especially he's running out of ideas for tactics but at the same time, she can give off some harsh remarks especially for small mistakes. So, he pulls out Jintsuu's paper then he sees Jean Bart's paper which make his brow raised slightly. How did this happen? He asked himself especially thinking Jean Bart would prefer more on live combat than staying at the office like he does... Every...Single...Day.

"I'll settle this with a flip a coin then." He made his decision as he takes out a coin.

"Heads for Jean, tails for Jintsuu." He mumbled as he flips the coin to the air and catches it.

Once he opened his hand, it seems it is destiny to have her as his secretary.

8am, it's now breakfast time, he arrived at the mess hall he could see a handful of ship girls waving at him as he waves back at them. Then Hornet approaches him while holding a tray filled with bacons and burgers.

"Hey, Commander! Isn't today another switching of secretary?" She opened a conversation.

"Yeah, and I know whom to pick." He replied then Hornet makes a grin to her face.

"Enterprise or Yorktown?" She asked hoping it will be one of them, but of course Commander Sieghart gave her a look it's not one of them.

"Nah, just visit the office later." He said then Hornet smiles

"Alright then, that will do! Anyway, see ya!" She bid her farewell and head towards to her group of friends as for him he's still looking at the menu which one to order.

"I want to be on good shape... So... Veggies? Sounds good." He thought to himself then when got into the counter he ordered everything he wanted for breakfast.

After ordering it, he stumbles upon the four Royal Navy ships they rescued days ago, and it seems Glowworm is inviting him to sit with them which he complied. Once he sits with them, he noticed Shropshire is blushing and looking away from his side which made him wonder.

"My apologies, Commander Sieghart but Shropshire seem to adore you." Belfast explained in a subtle way which made Shropshire more red than usual and then Commander Sieghart sighs.

"I see, but I don't see any reason why she would like me." Commander Sieghart replied as he takes a sip to his chocolate drink. "Also, did all of you enjoyed your stay?" He asked then Belfast smiles.

"Yes, everyone is good and they made us feel comfortable. It seems you are really Commander Sieghart's other side." She answered with a slight tone of tease which made Sieghart cough for the sentiment.

"Where did you heard that?" He slightly demanded for an answer as he takes a bite to his food.

"Ah, my sincere apologies. I didn't mean to tease you. However, we heard it from the other ship girls, that you're actually stern but surprisingly makes everyone feel comfortable." She replied as she takes a small bite to her meal. Then Edinburgh makes a small cough enough giving attention to Belfast.

"Belfast, that is rude of you for making that impression. After all, this is Commander Sieghart!" Edinburgh said to Belfast in a manner of worry.

"Commander, thanks for saving us during that time." Glowworm thanked which Commander Sieghart nodded

"No problem, you guys are going to go back soon, right?" He said as he takes another bite to his meal. Glowworm slightly smiles as it feels like she doesn't want to head back yet.

"Yes, it's just so sad." She admitted while scratching her head. After taking their last meal together, they went to the docks.

"Good luck on your journey, you four." Commander Sieghart said as he tucked his hands to his pockets. Then Belfast and Edinburgh make a curtsy.

"I thank you for your hospitality, Commander Sieghart." Belfast responded

"Likewise." Edinburgh followed as they both return to their usual composure.

"Commander, if you want, I'll stay here!" Shropshire offered which made Commander Sieghart shocked

"W-Well, t-that is your choice, not mine." He replied then Glowworm headbutts Sieghart's stomach which made a small pain to him.

"Good luck, Commander! See you soon!" Glowworm bids her farewell.

Then now all four Royal Navy ships departed from their base. After their departure, Commander Sieghart went to his office and sits down as Newcastle is preparing herself to switch places with the new secretary.

"Commander, who is the new secretary?" Newcastle asked as she stands beside him.

Commander Sieghart can just retain her position as his secretary but of course, everyone needs rest from time to time. Then someone opens the door and it's a blue haired fox wearing a white kimono with blue and gold accent. Newcastle knows who it is, so she looks to Commander Sieghart giving off a gentle smile.

"Once again, thank you for giving me this opportunity, dear Commander." She gave her last curtsy to him and then looks to the newly assigned secretary ship. "Jintsuu, take care of him as always."

"Of course, leave it to me, Newcastle." Jintsuu replied as Newcastle steps outside the office and finished her role as Commander's secretary.

"Jintsuu, do I need to brief you?" Commander Sieghart asked then Jintsuu opens her geisha fan and covers her mouth.

"No need, I know what you need. Fleet management since two Vichiya Dominion ships have arrived from the other day." She paused as she approaches Commander Sieghart then closes her fan, "Let us begin."

Around the port, Dunkerque and Jean Bart are walking around the port while their ships are being repaired. They see some familiar faces like Leander taking care of her sisters' quirky attitudes, Laffey sleeping on the bench with a bottle of cola and Northampton with Hornet.

"I didn't expect that our Commander would be a friendly individual." Dunkerque opened a conversation as they look around.

"Yeah." Jean Bart agreed and adds, "I thought he would be a harsh commander based on his vibe."

"Well certainly his face is giving off some strict looking." Dunkerque agreed by saying her opinion.

"Yeah, whatever he's thinking... He is certainly a fool to handle the matters at hand." Jean Bart blurted out which made Dunkerque piqued interest.

"Really? So, the rumors are true... What happened?" She asked

"He doesn't want to give more details. But it seems his superiors disagree with him." Jean Bart told her what she knew about the situation which made Dunkerque's interest satisfied a bit.

"By the way, how does Commander Sieghart lead?" Dunkerque asked for her experience

"He's a lazy commander. However, once he took over the command, everything seem to change." Jean Bart answered as if that is her first actual experience to see his lead.

"Eh? Lazy yet talented?" Dunkerque seems to not catch what she said then Jean Bart crosses her arms.

"Yeah." She clarified but yet she thinks that Commander Sieghart is still not yet fully trusting her, especially to her capability because during the Siren attack, he didn't command Jean Bart, he only just gave a glance to her before focusing on the battle ahead. That is something she's very annoyed or pissed at. Although they did have a talk, she still isn't impressed with his skill.

"I'll show him that he shouldn't mock the cutting-edge battleship of Vichiya Dominion." She thought to herself and Dunkerque seems to notice a threatening aura.

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