Chapter 21

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A/N: Long story short but I recently had a little moment with a police officer recently. Basically we were walking side-by-side on the same side of a sidewalk. We didn't talk. It was just silent. By the time we got to the end of the sidewalk, to break the tension, I just sort of looked towards him and, as a joke, said, "This was quite nice."

And the cop just replied with, "I'm walking back to my car, I don't know what you're doing." 😞

I. Made. It. Awkward... HaHa 😂😂😂


As soon as they walked through the door, Easton came bounding over to them, excited as ever. He ran his nose over the white plastic bag Sophia was holding, clearing intrigued with the delicious contents.

Sophia giggled before reaching down and scratching the top of his head for a bit. "Hey Easton. I missed you too."

"Seconded." Jack spoke up as he closed the door. Car keys in hands he added, "why don't you go set up at the table, I'll feed Easton and get us drinks?" He offered and Sophia nodded.

"Sounds good."

Jack walked off towards the kitchen with Easton following at his heels.


Instead of heading for the dining table, Sophia bypassed right passed it, heading for the sliding glass doors leading out into a private balcony.

Gray stone pavers lined the exterior flooring, surrounding a moderately sized infinity pool, filled with crystal clear water making me seem like you could easily float off into the downtown area.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Sophia sat down at the edge of the pool, letting her feet drift into the cool water, coming up mid-calves.

Setting the bag down next to her, she took out the first container and flip the lid open. The delicious scent of the burger wafted up almost immediately and Sophia's stomach rumbled angrily, awaiting the food.


"I could've sworn I said to set up near the table..." Jack interrupted as he approached. He held two glasses filled with some sort of yellow tinted liquid.

"You did but it's such a nice night, I figured we could eat outside."

"It's fine." Jack said before offering one of the glasses in his hands. "Lemonade?"

"Sure." Sophia gladly took the glass and took a sip, savoring the tangy drink igniting her tastebuds.

"Made it myself." Jack said, playfully a little smug. "Not to brag or anything."

"How?" Sophia spoke, playing along, and trying not to get distracted by the smile on Jack's face.

"Lemons. Water. Sugar."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "I should've known."

"You asked." Jack shrugged as he began rolling up his jeans before sitting down and letting his legs drifting through the water of the pool.

An Officer, The K9, And MeWhere stories live. Discover now