HM2V: Pulled Pork & Pineapple Rum

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2: HM2V: Pulled Pork & Pineapple Rum

9 am, Fourth of July, Vera Manor Garden

"Red, white and blue Jell-O!" the online caption read. "20 Recipes to a Fantastic Fourth!" Maggie continued stirring the boiling crimson, glassy concoction, beads of perspiration popping up on her forehead. She'd already started the slow cooker for the pulled pork some hours ago, and the coquitos still needed mixing, but she figured those could wait a couple more hours.

It seemed just yesterday that Harry had immobilized them all, telling them they were the Charmed Ones. Macy had just come into their lives, and here they all were: magical forces of good meant to combat evil and corrupt forces of darkness. Now, just a mere three years later, Harry and Macy were happily married, as well as the proud parents of little Maya, and Mel and Abigael were living together in Abigael's luxurious and stately New York City apartment.

The news that Mel and Abigael were dating did not come as welcome news to Macy, who still harbored deep-rooted resentment over Abigael making out with her now-husband Harry. Maggie did note to Macy that she and Harry hadn't even begun dating back then, but that didn't matter one bit to Macy, who certainly knew how to hold a grudge. In the same breath, Maggie pointed out that the magical community was small enough, and its inhabitants lived for centuries on end, which meant that friends and neighbors and acquaintances all ended up in bed together at some point in their lives, and Macy reluctantly agreed that Maggie did have a point.

Mel departing for New York meant that there was an extra guest bedroom now, and the shared upstairs bathroom was less crowded. Also, Macy and Harry had added a master bathroom of their own, which they shared with Maya, and which was connected to her bedroom. Their bedroom now, Maggie supposed, as they alternated between living in the Azores Epicenter Pico condo and Vera Manor. That being said, Jordan was slowly starting to move into Vera Manor; it seemed as though if someone left Vera Manor, there would always be someone that would arrive shortly thereafter, to fill the empty space. And he certainly had, Maggie smiled to herself, recalling seeing his toothbrush in the upstairs bathroom next to hers. His frizzy mop of hair next to her wavy locks in the early morning sunshine, kissing her before anyone else in the house woke up.

She wondered whether anyone else knew that Jordan was gradually occupying Vera Manor space. Macy, Harry, and Maya didn't use the upstairs shared bathroom, now that they had their own; Macy and Harry were mostly preoccupied with child-proofing rooms for their active, rambunctious daughter (understandably), and Macy was continuing her genetics business in the renovated she-shed. Mel was far away in her own romantic world. Maggie sighed. It was fun being the youngest, being able to get away with anything, but she wished that someone in her family—anyone, really—would see herself and Jordan together, give them the stamp of approval, or just otherwise...notice she had a love life at all.

10 am, Fourth of July, Vera Manor Garden

Maggie had finished placing the cherry red, coconut white, and blue raspberry Jell-O into its mold, which was currently solidifying in a dark corner of the fridge. She cleaned up the kitchen counter, and went back upstairs to continue her online courses, as she had made it her mission to graduate online; she had used magic to ensure her cover was not blown while signing up for her psychology courses, and knew that in order to progress beyond her current employee position, she needed to obtain her bachelor's degree (or suitable equivalent). When she was unceremoniously uprooted from her original home those years ago, her educational path had been disrupted, between nearly ending up in a semi-arranged marriage and finding herself supporting her entire family on one entry-level starting salary which paid less than she desired. But, she thought to herself bravely as she turned on her laptop, better late than never, sitting feet away from Jordan, who was preoccupied with writing his 50 page legal externship brief that was due in less than 48 hours. As the saying went, the law is a jealous mistress.

11 am, Fourth of July, Vera Manor Garden

"Auntie Maggie!! Uncle Jordan!!" Maggie heard a high-pitched squeal and turned around from the picnic table where she had been assembling the Jell-O, bread rolls, and coquitos.

"Maya, my favorite niece," she exclaimed, kneeling with outstretched arms, which Maya met with all the enthusiasm her three-year-old self could possibly muster. Jordan came over from arranging the pulled pork, and hugged Maya as well. Maggie then picked Maya up and straightening, she greeted Maya's parents, Harry and Macy, who were several meters behind.

"Sweetie, what has daddy told you about walking slowly after transatlantic orbing?" Harry gently admonished, setting down a pitcher of iced tea and a platter of freshly-cut papaya, pineapple, and blueberry fruit salad.

"But daddy, Maya said, with a precocious grin, "my feet enjoy walking faster when I'm at Vera Manor." Harry and Macy glanced at each other with a bemused expression. Jordan chuckled.

"She sounds exactly like someone I know," Harry remarked, looking straight at Macy, who playfully hit him on the shoulder.

2 pm, Fourth of July, Vera Manor Garden

Everyone had enjoyed their slow-cooked pulled pork sandwiches, coquitos, and Jell-O. Harry's tea had turned out quite nicely, and their fruit salad had the freshest tropical fruit Maggie could ever remember enjoying in her entire life, but then again, they did just orb from the Azores, where the pair could obtain such wares year-round. Lucky them, Maggie thought to herself. Living on a tropical island with their daughter. Sometimes, she wondered if she would be fortunate enough one day, to carve out a corner of the earth for herself, Jordan, and their future family, as Macy had with Harry and their daughter.

At the same time, Maggie realized that the Epicenter Pico condo had a single master bedroom which held a crib, last time she checked. She wondered how they were able to sleep like that, with no privacy, but maybe they had their own way of doing things on the island. She knew they had mentioned something about renovations there, using some of the funds generated from Macy's business. Maybe an extra bedroom, Macy had said. Or two, interjected Harry, his eyes twinkling. More Valensi babies to spoil to her heart's content.

Just then, Maya began fussing. Harry and Macy gave each other that look over Maya's head. They made as if to leave, since Maya's bedtime had passed (it was past 8 pm in the Azores), and it was once again, time for the little family to head home.

"Until next time!" Harry and Macy waved, as did Maya, whose hands were each held tightly by her parents. With a pop, they disappeared.

2:01 pm/9 pm, Madalena Village, Azores, Epicenter Pico No. 23, Fourth of July

The family of three landed in their living room, with its familiar cozy sofa, coffee table, and alphabet letter magnets situated on the kitchen's fridge door. Macy proceeded to give Maya a bath and put her to bed; once the girl was sound asleep, Macy joined Harry on the balcony for pineapple rum cocktails while they watched the fireworks from her phone. There were certain things such as American fireworks displays, that they couldn't get on the islands. After all, the Azores was an autonomous region of Portugal; all was quiet save for the rustling palm trees, the seagulls, and the ocean waves that could be heard from a distance.

"Happy Fourth of July," they said to each other, thoroughly exhausted, clinking their glasses together in the verdant tropical breeze.

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