HM2V: Latinate Palatinate

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3: HM2V: Latinate Palatinate

9 am, Saturday, She-Shed, Vera Manor Garden

Macy braced her thighs and uttered a sharp gasp. Fuck yes...

Earlier that Day, 8:30 am, Vera Manor Garden

It was just another Saturday in the Vera Manor household; Maggie was on summer break from her online studies and had graciously volunteered to watch Maya upstairs with Jordan while Macy and Harry prepared a sample set of 8,000 oxtail titers in Macy's she-shed in the Vera Manor Garden. Harry, Macy, and Maya had orbed over, and Maggie met Maya outside with a bowl of artificially-colored purple unicorn-themed marshmallow-encrusted cereal, much to Maya's delight (and Harry's consternation). Once everyone had talked, caught up, and said various social niceties, Maggie reached for Maya's hand and led her upstairs to watch morning cartoons with herself and Jordan—a rare treat, considering that the Epicenter Pico condo in the Azores did not have a single television set. Harry was of an older generation that firmly believed too much television rotted the brain.

8:40 am, She-Shed, Vera Manor Garden

"8,000 titers Spermatozoa bovi," Macy read the label generated from the customer request form from her laptop. She could have sworn it was supposed to be oxtail. What on earth was "spermatozoa bovi?" Macy thought back to her Latin course materials from college. Bovine, bovi—that still meant "ox." Spermatozoa? Protozoa—so, a zoological creature's...sperm? She glanced to her right at Harry, who attempted, but failed, to suppress a smirk.

"Having issues, Dr. Valensi?" he asked, whispering in her ear. Macy swatted him away, as she cleared the wood table for 8,000 inch-long miniature test tubes full of nothing but pure, unadulterated essence of bull sperm.

8:45 am, She-Shed, Vera Manor Garden

The miniature test tubes were all set up, thanks to Harry's quick conjuring. Their lab coats, protective eyewear, and footwear in place, the scientists began their heady work. Macy readied the genetics analysis machine to her left, watching it spring to life, with its telltale clicks and whirrs.

"Ohhhhhh...." Harry pretended to moan, while pipetting the grey substance into what appeared to be the two hundredth vial. "I can feel it...coming.... It's such hard work, isn't it Macy?"

Despite her abject annoyance at Harry's antics, Macy couldn't help but feel her toes involuntarily curl. Oh dear heavens. "Shut up, and just pipette the damn thing," she hissed, though knowing full well that nobody could hear her in this tiny, cozy enclave, except for her lab assistant, who also happened to be her husband of three years.

8:50 am, She-Shed, Vera Manor Garden

Test tube number three thousand and five. Harry was quite masterful at this; combining his Whitelighter skills with speedy science was truly an art form to behold. The way he thrust his digits on the button to draw in, and release the cloudy, potent substance, over and over again, hearing the throttle and thrum of the pipetting instrument, in and out, out and in. Macy's breath hitched, as she gripped the edge of the wooden table with the edges of her fingernails.

"Alright there, Dr. Valensi, dear?" Harry paused his handiwork to give Macy a once-over.

"I—I'm fine," gasped Macy, holding on to her composure for dear life. This was taking every ounce of strength she had, to not lose it in the she-shed right then and there. She tried counting soundlessly...three thousand and ten...three thousand and fifty, three thousand one hundred...three thousand five hundred...four thousand...four thousand fifty...five thousand...

8:55 am, She-Shed, Vera Manor Garden

"It's such a fucking hard task for a Saturday morning, isn't it?" Harry came up behind her, again breathing into her ear, which caused her to moan ever-so-softly. Seven thousand and thousand and thousand five hundred...Goddammit Harry...

8:58 am, She-Shed, Vera Manor Garden

Seven thousand nine thousand nine hundred thousand nine hundred eighty...eight thousand. Macy slowly breathed in and out, as Harry corked the last of the samples and placed them within the genetics sampling machine, which had been dutifully upgraded recently to add additional shelving for multiple sample lines. The sequencing would likely take an hour.

In the meantime, get a grip, Macy admonished herself. You're thirty-three, for crying out loud. You're a mature, reasonable, self-sufficient, level-headed—

"Once the samples are done, love, I'll ram them all in a long, hard cylindrical rod, and shove it up the chute, addressed to the Latinate Palatinate from whence it came," Harry seductively whispered in Macy's ear, causing herself to lose composure, moaning loudly.

"Fuck," Macy whispered.

9 am, Saturday, She-Shed, Vera Manor Garden

Harry swept the wood table clean (no breakables in sight, thank goodness), situating Macy's luscious derrière atop it, spreading her legs, unbuttoning her lab coat, and removing her underwear so fast she swore it had been charmed off.

Macy braced her thighs and uttered a sharp gasp. Fuck yes...

Harry's head was directly in front of her, licking her own flowery melanin-petaled folds in a rhythmic calligraphic pattern of his own, winding his way downward, to the sides, and eventually upward to her most sensitive area, as she gasped and grabbed his scalp with both hands. "Gods, Harry..." she murmured in ecstasy. "Don't stop."

He continued his amatory movements, pleasuring this lovely, gorgeous, curly-haired woman who had somehow, through nothing short of a divine miracle, fallen in love with him, Harry Valensi (formerly Greenwood) all those years earlier. This woman, who had once been the Darcy to his Jimmy, the century-long love of his immortal waking life. His past, his present, and his future, forevermore. Macy, who had harbored his seed and borne their child from her very womb. Who was now enthusiastically absorbing his sensual touches of the most carnal, erotic nature, as her thighs wound tightly around Harry, pinning his shoulders as she reached her apex, screaming his name into the ether.

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