HM2V: Paper Hearts & Politesse

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35: HM2V: Paper Hearts & Politesse

11:30 pm, Vera Manor, Kitchen

Harry grinned, realizing he was that much closer to keeping Macy and their twins safe, and training Maya to be an independent, gifted witch for the future. Everything was finally falling into place.

9 am, Next Day, Vera Manor Garden

Summer, this time around, meant that instead of tinkering in her she-shed or soaking in the hot tub, Macy was sitting on a lounge chair in the expansive garden patio overlooking the lush azalea, begonia, and gardenia bushes that were in full bloom. Watching Maya and that woman.

"Iced strawberry lemonade?" Harry handed Macy a small glass, and she gratefully accepted, kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks Harry—just watching Abigael introduce herself to Maya."

"Speaking of which..." Harry drew out what appeared to be tulle netting. "I took your words to heart and designed an Invisi-shield for you, the first of its kind."

"An Invisi-what?" Macy had a befuddled look.

"An Invisi-shield," said Harry, demonstrating the fabric's use. "You wear it like so" he carefully strapped it around Macy's bare belly under her shirt, "and it protects you and the twins from magical curses of any kind, physical or otherwise."

"Wow," breathed Macy. "It seems to act like a girdle too—I don't feel nearly as much muscle strain. So, how exactly does its defense mechanism work?"

"As soon as someone tries to lay a hand on your belly without your permission, a bright light emanates and the person and/or object is sent flying, at twice the force given—about 3-5 feet back, give or take an extra inch...and a half..."

A strange look flashed across Macy's face. "And just how exactly do you have such precise measurements?"

"Jordan. He graciously agreed to go into the basement, got knocked out cold, and I fixed him a gourmet bologna sandwich for his troubles, since the last one got destroyed mid-process."

"Harry!" Macy's mouth formed a very shocked "O." "You can't just grab Jordan and test something this crazy on him—is he ok? Does Maggie know?"

"He's fine, love. Of course Maggie doesn't know, but she is aware I've been training him in the art of Whitelighting. I needed to ensure the shield worked, and that you had peace of mind when Maya was under Abigael's tutelage. I took a slightly...unconventional approach since this was such an unusual situation." He regarded Macy closely. "Are you angry?"

Macy swallowed hard. "N-no Harry—not angry—just...caught off guard. With the lengths you're willing to go for me and our babies. Nobody's ever done anything quite so strange and crazy for me before. Honestly, I'm really touched. You're going to make an amazing father to these kids, just like you already are to Maya." Harry smiled, giving Macy's hand a squeeze.

"Thanks, love, that means a lot," Harry made as though to return to the kitchen, but Macy grabbed his arm.

"Have you ever thought about patenting the Invisi-shield, Harry?"

Harry paused in his tracks and kneeled over to meet Macy's eyes. "Given it's not exactly replicable and involves secret Whitelighter magic, no, but it's something I've given some thought to."

"I see...nevertheless, from a scientific innovative standpoint, I do find it quite impressive. Mad props, Mr. Valensi. Mad props and kudos to you," she leaned over and kissed him.

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