R&N: Of Rings & Magical Wish-Giving Things

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45: R&N: Of Rings & Magical Wish-Giving Things

7 am, New York Luxury Apartment

At long last, Mel had narrowed down her selection of tasteful, minimalist engagement rings to two major contenders. She examined her phone once more, picturing one, then the other, on her beloved Iris' slender left ring finger. Which ring should she choose?

The first was a multicolored haze of floral metal and wood, with genuine flower petals of bluebells, blue hydrangea, pink orchid, and 24 karat gold. A bevy of blues, Mel thought to herself, recalling how Macy had told her years earlier of how this particular color was scientifically proven to reduce stress. But would it be able to withstand the beatings of everyday life, especially given that Abigael negotiated with extremely 'rough customers' (for lack of a better word)? The material encasing the delicate petals appeared to be...clear plastic? No, the price point was too high. Glass? Too delicate. Likely some form of costly resin, Mel believed. The underlying metal options were sterling silver, stainless steel, or titanium.

The second was a breathtaking floral-inspired ring, with petals (twelve in all) made of lab-created diamonds in a marquise almond-shape, encircling a pale pink center stone of morganite. This jewelry piece reminded her of her favorite Georgia O'Keefe orchid artwork, with shades of damask, silvery grey, and black, and of her very own Iris, whose nickname was adopted from the aforementioned painting. Mel re-examined the product description. Gem size: 5.0 x 5.0 mm, total carat weight: 0.71 (approximately). The ring itself gave the appearance of delicate femininity, but according to various comments left of the internet marketplace site, the thing certainly could take a thrashing or two.

That decided that, then. Mel clicked "Buy it now," and provided her necessary payment and mailing information. Estimated time for delivery: 1 week (approximately), the resulting signage read. Here goes nothing.

7:30 am, New York Luxury Apartment

Just then, Mel received a "new email" phone notification—an e-vite. Curious, she opened the electronic letter, which displayed a most adorable "Baby Sprinkling!" invitation to Macy and Harry's Azores-based event hosted by Morgana. She wondered at first about the "sprinkling" wording, then recalled that a baby shower was for one's first baby, and any subsequent 'showers' were termed "sprinklings."

What to buy for her niece and nephew-to-be? What to buy? Mel checked online, inserting keywords such as "comfiest infant blanket in the world," before remembering that Macy and Harry both lived in the tropics. So much for that. She did a randomized search for "twins baby shower gift" and her eyes fell upon a miniature "gym" set expressly designed for two babies to fit underneath what appeared to be a mobile...or a pair of mini jungle gym bars? No, Mel rejected that idea. She was all for prepping the little ones for a magical future, but that item had "Meathead" written all over it.

She found a twins onesie set with the word "womb mates" scrawled across the front. Mel sighed. This was going to take awhile.

11:30 am, Madalena Village, Azores, Epicenter Pico No. 23

"I now declare you bedrest-free!" Morgana exclaimed, after having done a thorough examination of Macy's protruding belly. Macy and Harry whooped and gave each other high-fives. "And just in time for your baby shower," she added, her long red-and silver-streaked hair tied into a high bun above her head. "Speaking of which—apologies this is so last minute—any particular food preferences? Décor? Ambiance?"

Macy shook her head. "Honestly, Morgana, Harry and I trust your judgment—your garden is the stuff of fairytales. I don't think it needs that much more décor, except..." she hesitated.

"Yes, dear?" Morgana prompted.

"Can you have stringed tealights handy in the event the party goes past sunset? I'm a total sucker for tealights."

"Absolutely, will do," Morgana made a mental note to herself to find said tealights. "It'll add a bit of Azorian hygge to the atmosphere, methinks. Oh—and food preferences?"

Macy pondered this for a moment. "How about...fresh vegetables, slow-cooked pork, mango smoothies, guava jam on toast to go with tea, and island-style coconut custard pie?"

"Definitely doable!" Morgana beamed at the pair, then something came to mind. "I have a minor favor to ask, depending on how you'd look at it. Since it coincides with the afternoon I watch a couple of the neighbor kids, can I still have them over? Maya enjoys playing with them, and they'd have fun."

"That sounds excellent," Harry interjected. "The more, the merrier."

"I agree," said Macy as well, visualizing a festive and cheerful outdoor picnic fete of a French Impressionist sort, the lakes and rivers replaced by the expansive ocean and resplendent breeze, the tables of scrumptious desserts, all in good company, surrounded by their loved ones, young and old.

"Lovely, especially since I've talked to Mel about one of them in particular," responded Morgana matter-of-factly. "Tory. An orphan girl about five years of age, impish smile, ambiguously magical to some degree."

"Oh, really?" Macy's interest was piqued. "I think Harry mentioned Mel and Abigael were looking to adopt—I had no idea it would be this soon—"

"Yes, well," Morgana half said to herself. "It probably would have taken longer, had Tory not paid a visit to Mel in front of the Balto statue."

"In Central Park?" Macy gasped aloud. "That place is crowded—she could've been seen!" Morgana nodded, now wearing a more serious expression.

"So you understand then, why this adoption must be expedited. From my own vantage point, the sooner the child is placed with powerful female witches with a steady guiding hand, the better for everyone involved."

9 am, New York Luxury Apartment

The "4-in-1 Malishastik Twin Baby Carrier Adapt" product caption listed the item as a chic multi-functional "twins baby carrier, twinsling, twin baby, tandem baby wearing, and tandem carrying" device. Macy will love this, thought Mel, as she made to purchase the item for the baby shower sprinkling. After much brainstorming over the past hour or so, she had come to the conclusion that what Macy really needed above all else was an extra pair of hands (with the number of children soon to outnumber the adults)—and this was the next best thing. One hundred percent cotton, the item description read, with dual carry weight not to exceed a total of 66 pounds. She added an "Our Green House"-brand twins gift basket, which included two swaddle blankets—white with either pink or blue trim, two organic pajama sets, and two crocheted bunnies—one in pink and the other blue. According to the website, proceeds from this gift basket were to go to a wish-making charity that would "help inspire, strengthen and empower children by making their dreams come true."

"This could be us someday," hearing a familiar British-accented voice behind her, Mel turned around and kissed Abigael softly.

"Yes—hopefully sooner rather than later."

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