HM2V: P is for Polysomnography

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34: HM2V: P is for Polysomnography

1:30 pm, Vera Manor, Macy's Bedroom

"I'll be here...gestating...if you need anything," she called out to no one in particular.

8 pm, Three Nights Later, Vera Manor, Basement

Harry examined his hand-drawn prototype and sighed. These past afternoons had been a chaotic whirlwind of switched schedules, shattered logistics, and everything besides. Thank goodness for his orbing abilities and the she-shed portal. Both avenues allowed Harry a transport method (and a backup) to pick Maya up from daycare in the afternoon and tuck her in at Epicenter Pico each night in her very own bedroom, then return to Vera Manor to check on Macy, who continued to abide by Morgana's orders. He realized how lucky he and Macy were to have Matias and Morgana around; they rearranged their schedules to check on Maya throughout the evening and subsequent ones, while he himself toiled in the basement to add an additional reassurance to Macy and Abigael's agreement.

He had been inspired to create this particular design based on Macy's most recent journal article on Hypnos, the god of sleep, which mentioned "polysomnography"—the concept of sleep studies commonly conducted in laboratories, in which countless electrodes would be affixed (painlessly) to one's head to monitor for any abnormal brain activity. In this particular device of sorts, Harry wanted the electrodes to monitor activity, but also deflect physical objects away with twice the normal human force. Would that be possible? There was only one way to find out.

Harry sorted through various boxes of tchotchkes and outfits, until he found a netted ballgown whose silky, semi-transparent laced exterior was studded with pearl-shaped ornaments. Bingo, he thought.

11 pm, Four Nights Later, Vera Manor, Basement

He scrutinized the form-fitting netting draped along the mannequin's rotund waist and imbued the cloth with a piece of his Whitelighter self—one hair on his head, that he had parsed, scorched, and imbued therein. It wasn't the most precise magic, but it would have to do for now. He stepped back and grabbed a ceramic cup that had been lying around unused for years, throwing it at the fabric.

A bright light emanated forth, and the cup missed its intended target, shattering on the floor.

By jove, thought Harry. I think I've done it.

11:05 pm, Vera Manor, Kitchen

Jordan was fixing himself a late-night bologna sandwich after an evening yoga session with Maggie ("see, Jordan, yoga isn't boring!") when he nearly collided with Harry himself.

"Whoa, dude—" Jordan steadied his knife, which was inches away from slicing a piece of whole grain bread on the cutting board in front of him.

"Sorry, Jordan—" Harry took a couple of seconds to catch his breath. Orbing while in a heightened emotional state tended to make his landing a bit wonky. I really should watch myself better, he admonished himself. "Do you have a moment?"

Jordan was about to say he would in fifteen minutes after he placed the slices of bologna on his sandwich and ate said sandwich, but something in Harry's expression made him change his mind. "Sure, what's up?"

"I suppose the question is, what's downstairs. Can you come down, and bring the plate you were going to put your sandwich on?"

"Sure," Jordan replied, following Harry's path through the hallway, past a door, and down the stairs to the basement, dimly lit by a single lightbulb.

11:07 pm, Vera Manor, Basement

"What is that?" Jordan pointed at the mannequin who appeared to have a large midsection made of laced fabric and curious-looking electrodes. He moved closer to the object, surveying it closely.

"What do you think it is?" Harry asked, now standing next to him, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"It's on a mannequin, with a round stomach—" Jordan paused. "Is this something for Macy?"

Harry nodded. "More or less. A modernized suit of armor, if you will."

"Cool!" exclaimed Jordan. He reached forward to touch an electrode—

A blinding light issued forth, followed by a huge crashing noise; Jordan was blown back by the force exerted on him by the armor, causing him to end up knocked out on the section of carpet Harry had pulled over half an hour before.

11:09 pm, Vera Manor, Basement

He blinked his eyes and steadied his vision, as everything grew clearer. Where was he? Last he remembered, he was about to make himself a post-workout bologna sandwich. Then he remembered. Macy's armor.

"Are you alright?" Harry. Jordan nodded and Harry extended an arm, pulling Jordan to his feet. "Dude, what was that?"

"I call it the Invisi-shield," replied Harry.

"It's a weapon though...isn't it?" Jordan asked uncertainly. "What's something that powerful doing in the basement?"

" you know, Abigael's supposed to teach Maya defensive magic and pony-riding." Jordan knew as much. "But Macy is very suspicious of Abigael's motives, due to their prior history."

"So what's that got to do with the Invisi-shield?" Jordan asked.

"Macy, as you're well aware, is on bed rest due to her delicate condition. In the event Abigael tries to injure her in any way, the Invisi-shield will respond with twice the normal force, even if Macy's otherwise...incapacitated. Carrying twins and growing twenty baby toes from scratch is quite taxing on the human body, I'd imagine. And I needed to test whether this shield worked."

"Makes sense," Jordan murmured. "Making me the guinea pig?"

"Quite." And the two laughed aloud at the absurdity of the situation. "My apologies about the ceramic plate," Harry motioned to the concrete floor opposite them, where the plate had shattered.

11:30 pm, Vera Manor, Kitchen

Once Harry and Jordan swept up and disposed of the ceramic shards, they headed back upstairs to the kitchen, where Jordan made as if to create another bologna sandwich.

"Allow me," said Harry, as he plucked two pieces of bologna and placed them on a skillet, adding a dab of olive oil and various spices. Harry then toasted two pieces of whole grain bread, and plated the dish on another ceramic plate, adding a garnish of pre-washed lettuce.

"Thanks, man," said Jordan between mouthfuls of bread and meat. "This is the bougiest bologna sandwich I've ever had."

"Glad to hear it, Jordan, glad to hear it," Harry grinned, realizing he was that much closer to keeping Macy and their twins safe, and training Maya to be an independent, gifted witch for the future. Everything was finally falling into place.

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