HM2V: Gender Reveal

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29: HM2V: Gender Reveal

8:15 pm, Madalena Village, Azores, Epicenter Pico No. 23, 2nd Floor, Bedroom 1

"Can I be a princess and a big sister?"

Harry laughed. "Yes, Maya, you can be both. You'll always be our princess, isn't that right, Macy?" Macy nodded as she swept Maya's curls aside and kissed her forehead affectionately.

"Of course, Maya. You'll always be our princess."

Noon, Five Weeks Later, Vera Manor Garden

Maggie had festooned the surrounding trellises and tea lights with pale pink and blue streamers, setting up jars, one labeled "Boy" and the other labeled "Girl," with bets on what gender Macy's twins would be. Each guest was given two blue beads and two pink beads, and told to put two in whichever jar they thought would make sense—two blue beads in the boy jar, or two pink beads in the pink jar, or one blue and one pink. So far, it seemed that the girl jar was winning.

It was a fairly decent turnout, with Matias, Morgana, Mel, Maggie, Jordan, Macy, Maya, and Harry present (Abigael sent her regards, as she had a mandatory work meeting with the Ecuadorian Chupacabra Council). Morgana had graciously volunteered her baking services and had made two dozen coconut cupcakes filled with the gender-associated colors, topped with Madagascar vanilla frosting and a generous helping of sweetened shredded coconut. (Macy's coconut cravings had been through the roof lately, Harry had told Morgana in passing some weeks back).

Morgana had been sworn to secrecy in the latest sonogram appointment; Harry and Macy wanted to be surprised today. Harry thought perhaps there might be a boy in there, but Macy seemed to think it would be two girls—girls yet again—not that Harry had anything against that, of course. As long as the babies were delivered healthy and alive, that was all that mattered.

12:30 pm, Vera Manor Garden, Behind a Begonia Bush

People were casually mingling about the begonias and gardenia bushes Mel had planted a year ago. Had it really been that long? Mel thought to herself, holding a glass of sparkling strawberry punch in her hand. The streamers and banner were quite a nice touch, and Maggie had truly outdone herself, with the shrimp skewers, empanadas, and virgin coquitos.

"Mel, right?" Mel turned and spotted a much-older redheaded lady. "I'm Morgana—"

"Macy's obstetrician and grandmother-in-waiting," Mel finished.

"I see Macy's told you about me?" Morgana peered at Mel closely, scrutinizing her eyes.

"Bits and pieces—you delivered magical babies on the island back in the day, and occasionally babysit my niece." Mel wasn't exactly sure where this conversation was going, as she took a small sip of the punch.

"Yes, to all of the above—but I also watch some of the other neighbor kids—including those somewhat less fortunate. Orphans, I mean," Morgana mentioned, not-so-subtly. "I sense that you and your partner are in want of a child?"

Mel gave a start. " could you possibly know?" she whispered, looking frantically to the left and right to ensure their conversation wasn't overheard.

"Just a sixth sense, I suppose," stated Morgana briskly. "I keep an eye on several young children of kindergarten age, and Maya's come to know a few of them besides. She enjoys spending time with one of the kindergarteners, idolizes her, really. Charming girl, goes by the name Tory."

12:35 pm, Vera Manor Garden

Morgana departed Mel, leaving the latter open-mouthed in shock. Tory, her Tory. After a few more minutes, Mel recovered from her momentary shock, and tried to follow Morgana, but she had somehow vanished, due to an urgent message from the Azores. Darn it.

12:40 pm, Vera Manor Garden

Macy and Harry carefully cut into one of the vanilla coconut cupcakes; bright blue and pink sprinkles spilled out. "See mommy and daddy? It's a boy and a girl!" Maya gleefully exclaimed, clapping her hands. Harry kissed Macy on the lips, and Macy, though she would have been fine with any gender, was secretly pleased at the outcome. Harry would finally have another son to call his own, and she could picture Maya and her soon-to-be little girl having a sisterly relationship just like Macy had with her own siblings.

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