R&N: Beef in the Wellington

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39: R&N: Beef in the Wellington

11:10 am, Vera Manor, Kitchen

"It's not a matter of belonging in my world, love—" Abigael whispered against Mel's cheek. "It's a matter of merging ours together."

7 pm, Friday Night, New York Luxury Apartment

Mel heard a knock at the door but was unable to answer, as she had her head in the oven at that very moment, preoccupied with the roasted almonds. All of which had stuck to the oven pan. Why did I forget to add olive oil? Mel silently berated herself. And of all days, too.

"Don't worry, I'll get it," Abigael called out as she smoothly glided to the door in her Japanese silk slippers. Mel continued to chip away at the almonds, wondering if the skills gleaned in this effort could be transferable to a bricklayer's or roofer's occupational career path. She heard the door swing open, coupled with the pattering of elegantly-treading footsteps on the Siberian oak floor, as she used a metal ladle to scoop the nuts into a nearby ceramic bowl.

"Snow?" Mel heard Rani murmur.

"Red..." Abigael's voice could now be heard. "It's been simply ages. Why don't you two settle down at the Ashford table? Mel will bring a snack for us shortly." And so the guests strode toward the table, making themselves comfortable.

From feet away in the kitchen, Mel lifted the delicate cup of roast nuts and headed for the table, shaking hands with Rani, who wore white gloves that matched her platinum hairdo. "Mel, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said softly. "I'd also like you to meet my girlfriend—Nico, do stand up, won't you?" The figure stood up next to Rani and looked Mel squarely in the eyes. Holy...

Mel turned pale as a ghost, dropping the ceramic bowl which shattered into smithereens at her feet, the almonds scattering in a million different directions. It was Nico.

7:10 pm, New York Luxury Apartment

If it hadn't been for Abigael poking her not-so-subtly in the ribs, there would have been a lot more explaining to do. As it were, Mel was awakened from her abject shock and moved quickly to freeze time.

"You two know each other?" Abigael had asked, seeing the reaction Mel had exhibited.

"Know her—Abigael, we dated for quite some time!" Mel exclaimed furiously. "What's Rani playing at?"

"Rani? I have no earthly idea what you're talking about—Nico's been Rani's girlfriend for quite awhile," Abigael replied. "And if we're getting our apartment back in one peace, we really must do better at our hospitality skills, no?"

"Nico was my girlfriend," Mel uttered in a low voice as she searched under the coffee table, the lounge chairs, and other areas of the floor, picking up almonds and other stray debris. "Why didn't you warn me?" Mel whirled around and stared at Abigael, who was now sweeping shards of pottery into a dustpan.

"Warn you?" Abigael laughed mirthlessly. "What's there to warn about? Besides—" Abigael paused to carry the full dustbin to the kitchen, emptying the contents into a dark garbage bag. "Isn't 'Nico' a common name? Like—" She searched for a few words, "'Katie?' 'Marie?' 'Krista?'"

"No," replied Mel, gritting her teeth, shaking her head all the while. "'Nico' is a very unusual nickname for 'Nicole'...I would know, since I came up with it. Her real name is Niko, with a k, but we texted using aliases because she was in the police academy."

"Honestly, I had no idea," said Abigael, growing increasingly impatient. "Look. Nico's a very private person—she's not even allowed to be photographed in the tabloids due to her job—"

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