HM2V: A Family Meeting

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32: HM2V: A Family Meeting

Next Day, Noon, Vera Manor Garden, She-Shed

Macy grinned as she typed up the second journal article of the day, recalling the previous night's events. Oh my, she thought to herself, feeling her toes involuntarily curl. Escaping the first trimester certainly did wonders for the bedroom. She had had a most productive morning, typing off her first journal article, covering the topic of lowering one's body temperature to preserve brain function in various woodland creatures.

Maya was with Morgana's playgroup of neighborhood children her age today, as she herself felt it important her daughter grow accustomed to living around, and socializing with, little ones closer to her own age, especially with the impending arrival of the twins. Harry would sit in on the play session, then keep watch over Macy and her sisters, per usual Whitelighter protocol.

Suddenly, Macy felt a twinge in her abdomen, and she clutched the sturdy wood desk in front of her, gritting her teeth. Then another, several minutes later. It's too early, a voice seemed to say in her head.

"HARRY!" Macy screamed as loud as she could. He appeared instantly.

"Macy, what's wrong—" he asked, concerned etched in his expressive eyes. "Is it the—"

"The babies. Contractions—it's too early—get Morgana NOW." Frightened, Harry quickly snapped into action, clutching Macy and orbing upstairs to her bedroom. Once she was resting on her bed, he orbed to the Azores, and sought out Morgana, returning with her several short minutes later.

12:15 pm, Vera Manor, Macy's Bedroom

Mandatory modified bedrest. For seven whole weeks. Macy stared up at the ceiling of the bedroom, mentally counting the cracks in the paint. Thank goodness Morgana had used her magic to stem the contractions; the babies were fine, but as a precaution, she told Macy to avoid standing or walking whenever humanly possible, to avoid stressful situations, and to get as much rest as she could. Once the seven weeks were up, Morgana would re-evaluate, but by then, Macy thought to herself, she'd probably feel so hugely uncomfortable she wouldn't want to walk anywhere anyways.

"Why me?" Macy groaned, complaining to no one in particular.

1 pm, Vera Manor, Living Room

Harry had reached out to all Vera Manor residents via various communications channels, and he found himself facing the motley crew in the darkened living room on this positively, obnoxiously sunny afternoon. He hadn't considered, however, that there were far more inhabitants than met the eye, as he surveyed the attendees—Maggie and Jordan (was Jordan living at Vera Manor?), Mel and Abigael (he thought they'd lived further afoot in the urban jungle of New York...), and Morgana, of course. Matias had graciously volunteered to watch Morgana's charges until she had returned.

Harry drew a deep breath and began. "Macy had a bit of a health scare less than an hour ago—"

"OMG is she ok?" Maggie shrieked in alarm. Everyone else seemed similarly panicked, though Abigael, he noticed was a bit more nonplussed, which was not exactly a surprise.

"Her contractions started rather early, which though rare, can happen in a twin pregnancy. Morgana intervened, the twins are fine, but Macy is under strict orders to do modified bedrest and avoid stress of any kind for the next seven weeks, until the twins are viable." Harry looked at each of them in turn. "So your job is to ensure that her life is relatively handled for the coming weeks—to step in if needed, be of general use, et cetera."

"But how did this happen?" Abigael eyed Harry with suspicion. "If Macy's already switched over to sitting and typing journal articles all the time, and Maya's over at Morgana's, what could have possibly triggered them?"

Harry blushed, looking uncomfortable. " last night, Macy had shoulder pain, I was giving her a massage...we the bedroom...sort of..." Mel and Maggie gave each other a look, as if to say, TMI.

"And I thought I was the insatiable one," muttered Abigael, rolling her eyes.

"Point being—" interjected Morgana, "we need to create an action plan." Glancing over at Maggie, she remarked, "Maya needs more than well-meaning babysitting. She needs magical training to hone those natural talents of hers, before they overrun the place, should she ever have a temper tantrum."

"Harry, can I speak to you in private?" Mel jumped up, all of a sudden, from where she sat on the velveteen couch next to Abigael.

1:15 pm, Vera Manor, Kitchen

"I have an idea, Harry—just hear me out," Mel stated. Harry remained silent, so Mel continued. "I haven't told anyone else, but Abigael and I have been pursuing adoption—"

"Oh my, what a step!" Harry exclaimed. "That's...that's definitely something. Adoption is, I've heard, quite a beautiful thing."

Mel nodded, encouraged by Harry's words. "Thing is, Abigael wants to gain experience with kids, but nobody trusts her with their own. The foundling society we've reached out to has relatives of Elders, and Abigael's reputation precedes her. But Abigael's changed. Everyone's seen it. She's got tons of experience in magical defense, enjoys riding her pony like Maya, and I really think they could learn a lot from each other," Mel said, looking squarely at Harry, "if given half a chance."

Harry nodded slowly. "That could work—the question being, though—would Macy be alright with it? Knowing her and Abigael's history?"

"Only one way to find out," Mel responded, as they headed back to the living room.

1:20 pm, Vera Manor, Living Room

"Abigael, can you come with us?" Mel beckoned her girlfriend to follow her and Harry. Puzzled, Abigael rose from her seat, trying to ignore Maggie's not-so-subtle stare. Why was Abigael, of all people, visiting her sister, when she herself wasn't allowed?

1:22 pm, Vera Manor, Outside Macy's Bedroom

Harry knocked on Macy's bedroom door. "Love, are you awake?" he half-whispered.

"More or less. Come in," Macy responded. Harry opened the door, allowing Abigael and Mel entry into Macy's bedroom.

"Harry," Macy's eyes narrowed upon spotting Abigael. "What is she doing at Vera Manor? And why is she in my bedroom?

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