R&N: A Little Trust & Fairy Dust

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46: R&N: A Little Trust & Fairy Dust

Noon, Madalena Village, Azores, Epicenter Pico Neighborhood, Morgana's Garden

Abigael and Mel walked uncertainly through the palm tree-encrusted Epicenter Pico neighborhood; they traveled light as their "4-in-1 Malishastik Twin Baby Carrier Adapt" product and "Our Green House" gift basket had been delivered to Macy and Harry's No. 23 doorstep the evening before, courtesy of online delivery. Mel gave her Brazilian-style hat and all-white pantsuit another once-over. "Does this look too formal?"

"Not exactly child-friendly," Abigael surveyed her partner's ensemble critically, "but quite classy, if I dare say so myself." She, on the other hand, had chosen a 100% cotton tropical leaf printed dress that was durable and chic.

"How is this outfit not child friendly?" Mel groused to herself. "It's flame-resistant, flame-retardant, washable—"

"And white, my dear," Abigael interjected. "You're going to get a stain the moment you enter Morgana's garden." After several more minutes, they made their way through a grassy knoll, rounding the corner, and came face-to-face with an open picket fence.

"After you," Mel gestured deferentially. Abigael hid a smile as she picked up her skirt, walking carefully on the pebbled entrance that gave way to the largest residential garden of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers either of them had ever seen. The scent of blossoming plumerias hit them nearly as soon as they entered, with a mix of cinnamon bark, citrus, pepper, and mint. Mel noticed a couple of orange trees that bore large spherical orbs of the tangy fruit, and what appeared to be...tangelos? Grapefruit? She wasn't quite certain, but it made for a very wonderland-like paradise.

12:05 pm, Madalena Village, Azores, Epicenter Pico Neighborhood, Morgana's Garden

"So lovely of you both to join us!" Mel and Abigael heard Morgana before they saw her familiar coppery, silver-lined hair. The three hugged in turn and Morgana offered them drinks. "Punch? Pineapple juice? Guava lemonade?"

"I think—I'll just have water for now," Mel replied, surveying the tropical picnic scene unfolding before her and Abigael's very eyes. Matias could be spotted in the distance, shredding the slow-cooked pork while Maggie stood ready to assist him in the seasoning process. Harry and Macy were seated and talking to Jordan and a couple of other people Mel didn't know. She spotted Maya and a few of her little neighbor friends doing artwork on a tiny kiddie-sized table situated next to Harry and Macy's table.

"Hey Mel, so glad you and Abigael were able to make it!" Macy made as if to stand, but Mel motioned for her to sit and make herself comfortable; it was her baby shower, after all. "Also, thanks for the stylish twin carrier and the gift basket—I know they'll come in super handy once the twins arrive. Twenty-eight weeks, and however many more to go..."

"Anything for you," Mel grinned. "So how's it feel to be in the home stretch?"

"Terrible and wonderful," replied Macy with a rueful smile. "My spine is stretched to the max, and my core muscles are basically obliterated. My bladder's the size of a pea. But hey, life. Speaking of which—" Macy stated, "nature calls." Mel and Abigael instinctively stepped back as Macy lifted her burgeoning form from the picnic chair, watching as she ambled the several feet over to Morgana's house in search of a vacant restroom.

"Does your wife need any...err...assistance?" Abigael couldn't help but ask, seeing Macy walk for the first time in however many weeks she could remember.

Harry shook his head. "No. And actually, my job was to call over Morgana. Morgana!" he flagged the older lady over, who appeared by his side in a jiffy; both of them exchanged a knowing look then regarded Abigael and Mel with an inscrutable expression.

"Harry? Morgana?" Mel and Abigael asked. "What's going on?"

"There's someone I'd like you to meet," Morgana softly said, stepping toward the kiddie table where Maya and her friends were furiously coloring. Harry made up an excuse about needing to check the pulled pork, proceeding in the opposite direction at an uncharacteristically rapid pace. How odd, thought Mel.

12:10 pm, Madalena Village, Azores, Epicenter Pico Neighborhood, Morgana's Garden

Morgana kneeled next to a small child seated at the kiddie table, whispering in her ear a few times. Mel and Abigael noticed that the girl looked up at Morgana, then at Mel and Abigael in turn. Mel gasped.

"It's her," Mel murmured in Abigael's ear.

"Tory?" Abigael verified, her keen eyes now fixed intently on the little olive-hued girl with perfectly-braided hair. She certainly takes after me when it comes to style, Abigael mused, noticing how the girl's barrettes were identical to her own favorite distinctive color scheme of marble, subdued slate, and sublime greys.

"I think so." Mel walked forward and kneeled in front of the girl, taking notice of her bright emerald eyes. "I've met you before, haven't I...Tory?" The young girl nodded up and down. "Balto sculpture, Central Park, New York City?"

"Yup!" The little girl's eyes shone. "You remembered me!" she said excitedly.

Abigael looked in askance to Morgana, who finally spoke. "Tory's a mischievous but well-meaning five-year-old in Maya's neighborhood playgroup. She lost her parents awhile ago and her aunt's preoccupied with newborn triplet boys and believes Tory needs a home with a pair of strong-minded magical women."

12:12 pm, Madalena Village, Azores, Epicenter Pico Neighborhood, Morgana's Garden

"Strong-minded magical women..." Abigael spoke slowly.

"Like...us?" Mel added, glancing around to see whether anyone could overhear their conversation; everyone else was merrily chatting away and completely oblivious to the earth-shattering life change that beckoned toward her and her partner.

"Assuming, of course, that you're up for the roles of a lifetime," replied Morgana. "For that it certainly will be. Feel free to think about it overnight, and give me a call when you're ready—"

"No," Mel said firmly. "We're ready now," she glanced over at Abigael, who silently affirmed her partner's statement.

"Well in that case..." Morgana trailed off. "When the baby shower ends later today, I'll have a word with Tory's aunt; we'll sign a bit of paperwork and you two will foster Tory for a week-long trial period. If all goes according to plan, you may adopt her as your very own daughter."

Mel and Abigael reached for each other's hands with bated breath, hardly daring to believe their luck.

9 pm, New York City Luxury Apartment, Guest Bedroom

The two women stood in the doorway of the guest bedroom, with its tall four-poster bed, Egyptian high-thread count sheets, and gigantic down pillows, gazing at its solo inhabitant, a tiny girl with rainbow unicorn-printed pajamas who was peacefully sleeping with a contented smile spread across her Shirley Temple-like dimpled cheeks.

"We must be the only ones in the world to go to a baby shower and leave with a kindergartener daughter in tow," Mel laughed aloud.

Abigael poked Mel in the ribs. "Shhh—she's sleeping!" Mel appeared apologetic, mouthing Sorry!

The two continued to watch Tory's sleeping form, her chest rising and falling, her steadfast, determined little heart beating within their cozy urban home. Two women and a girl under a single roof created an instant, ready-made family reunited at long last after the most serendipitous of circumstances.

"Welcome home Tory," Mel whispered, as Abigael quietly closed the bedroom door.

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