Brimming curiousity

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My father and King Maudred seemed to be getting along very well, I overheard the occasional bellow of laughter escape my father's lips from time to time. He was a jolly man, and the thought of him becoming friends with the gracious Maudred delighted me. Mattheus and I also sparked up an easy conversation. He was pleasant to talk to, there was never an awkward moment. I was expected to go riding with him tomorrow, and was starting to look forward to it more and more as we shared the things we had in common together.

Again, however that thought crept back. I liked him so much, my father couldn't have picked a sweeter man, but love? How could I know for sure when we were to be married within this month! I ran my fingertip along the edge of my wine goblet, deep in thought. Mattheus was speaking with Quince, my father's steward, and Maudred was of course still talking with my father, so I was unbothered with having some time to myself. The knights must think to themselves all the time when they're at their posts, I mused to myself, flicking my eyes from knight to knight at each placement round the dining hall.

My eyes landed on Dame Lex all of a sudden as her post was at the wall opposite me. Her hand was on the hilt of her sword, but her demeanour didn't appear on edge, I assumed holding her hand near her weapon was automatic to her. At least it showed Maudred knew what he was doing when he brought her in front of father.

Helmets had never bothered me before in the slightest, I mean they're regulation equipment for the knights, so why would they, but I was incredibly curious about Dame Lex's appearance. I'd never seen a female knight without her helmet, as they were uncommon even before my father banned them from Palestine. Did she have wavy blonde hair like mine? Or perhaps a short choppy bob for convenience?

I had been unappologetically staring, speculating an estimated image of the woman that lay beneath that tough leather armour. I also wondered what her battle armour would look like. Silver I should think. I couldn't see her eyes through her helmet, but somehow I knew she was looking at me, I could feel it. I wanted nothing more than to see her face, my emotions were starting to unnerve me. Why was I so excited about this knight in particular? She was just a woman, like me.

"What horse will you be taking tomorrow my lady?"

I jumped, not realising Mattheus had finished his conversation with Quince.

"Um... My dark bay I hope," I stuttered, pulling my eyes away from Lex. "Her name is Rose and she's very comfortable to ride."

Mattheus and I continued our conversation, but I always seemed to flit my attention over to Lex every now and then, even when it slipped my mind she was in the room. I would zone out, and then suddenly find my gaze upon her once again. This behaviour for me was quite odd, so I busied myself in conversation once more until entertainment arrived. Palestine had one of the best, (even if he was very strange,) court jesters. He never failed to make everyone laugh constantly, especially my father. I watched him as he gallivanted about the room, doing silly tricks and jokes to please his audience. 

His show was finished all too soon, and all courses had been happily devoured, so it was time to return to our chambers for the night. After we thanked all the other guests for attending, we walked King Maudred and Mattheus back to the main hall to see them to their chambers. Mattheus and I were walking behind the two Kings, and I was very pleased to say he had behaved like a true gentleman all evening. He even offered me his hand for stability as we walked down the stairs together. My dress was very long, and his help was greatly appreciated.

"Thank you for tonight, Creon, your people have been a delight," Maudred stated, placing a friendly hand on my fathers shoulder.

"I'm glad it was to your liking, I will have Quince show you to your chambers now," my father beckoned the steward over, and he swept his arm in the direction of the spare royal chambers.

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