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"You are quicker than I thought Morgana, but I'm faster!"

A flash of colour tore past me as the sound of thundering hooves filled the forest. 

'Challenge accepted,' I muttered to myself, and encouraged Rose into a fast gallop. She was my tallest horse standing at 16 hands, which meant her strides easily overpowered Mattheus' gray pony. The wind combed through my shiny blonde tresses as Rose inched in front of Mattheus, who had a shocked look on his face as we overtook.

"See you at the castle!"

I called behind me, my laughter ringing out momentarily  before being swept away from the sheer speed. I adored riding horses, they were so exhilarating and freeing. 

"Woah..." I spoke gently to Rose, pulling on the reins slightly to slow her down as the castle portcullis came into view. She decelerated to a trot, and I patted her shiny muscular neck with praise. Mattheus arrived on his horse and reined in next to me, an astounded look upon his face.

"I didn't know you could ride like that my Lady?"

He remarked, and I smirked, kicking Rose into walk as the guards opened the gates for us.

"Riding is the only activity father allows me to do alone without a guard," I explained, and he nodded, understanding why I was so experienced.

"I had fun today, I hope to ride again with you soon."  Mattheus jumped down from his horse and looked at me hopefully. He gave his horse to a stablehand and outstretched his arms to me. I held onto his shoulders and he put his hands on my waist, sliding me gently off Rose's back.

No tingle. I felt nothing. Was I broken?

"I'm sure that can be arranged," I smiled widely at him, and led Rose away after the stablehand.

"Where are you going, Princess?"

"Being a good rider also means taking care of your horse. I take care of my own," I called to him, and a look of admiration crossed his face as he waved goodbye and walked over to the knight's training ground. Maudred had been given a week to train up his knights for my father's trials, and Mattheus had been helping prepare them, and from what I'd seen so far, they were excelling remarkably quickly.

I passed the market stalls, waving to some of the townsfolk. I was well respected in Palestine, because I value being kind to my subjects. I rounded the corner to the stables, and was surprised to come across Lex, stroking my feisty thoroughbred. Her back was turned to me, but I still recognised the supple leather armour curved round her body. The first thing I noticed was that her helmet was placed on the floor next to her, revealing a messy dark twist of bronzed hair. My heart rate picked up at the realisation that her face was mystifyingly uncovered. She didn't seem to register I was behind her, even at the sound of Rose's hooves clipping against the rough stone floor, so I tied Rose up and walked over.

"His name's Raven," I piped, standing next to the tall knight. Her head swivelled towards me in surprise, flashing her deep brown eyes wider at me. 

I froze, unmoving, and just stared. Never in my life had I encountered such beauty.

Silence stretched out between us, my lips slightly agape in wonder as I took in her features. She had freckles smattered across the bridge of her nose which softened her golden-coloured face, but her dark eyebrows gave her a more serious appearance. The corners of her mouth pulled up into a faint smile as I struggled to form words. She drew her hand away from Raven's forehead, and faced me square on, tilting her chin down towards me.

"I didn't know you rode, Princess," she stated, her voice low and pronounced. My eyes never left her face, but I managed to reply relatively smoothly.

"Often. I thought you would be in training?" I shifted my weight somewhat, and her weathered hand lifted to brush her glossy braid forward onto her shoulder.

"King Maudred allows us 10 minutes rest after every few hours. I heard the stables were a peaceful place to come, I didn't mean to intrude my Lady."

"You are welcome anywhere in Palestine," I declared generously. "These are my horses, if you want to ride, you may do so whenever you please."

Her eyebrows raised in appreciation, and she smirked brazenly. Her personality had been hidden under her helmet previously, and I didn't realise how much presence she actually held. She was aware I couldn't stop studying her, and she was almost being cocky about it, but not in an impolite way. I think she was flattered if anything.

My father has always taught me to behave with manner and decorum, but I'm known for my rebellious streak. Princesses aren't supposed to be able to fight as well as I can, and I'm not the sort to sit upon my throne all day and behave with constant airs and graces, It's tiring. 

I wanted to show Lex that I was interesting, not ordinary. 

"You were wrong. You don't look like every other woman," I bravely started.

 This time, only one of her eyebrows raised in a suggestive fashion.

"I have to get back to training my Lady, but I will be sure to take up your kindly offer on riding."

"Have a good evening Lex," I smiled, untying Rose and leading her into her stable. Lex bowed in response and placed her helmet over her head once more. I busied myself with taking some fresh hay from the bale for Rose, and gave her a quick brush down.

The training grounds were on route to the castle entrance, and I was eager to see Lex in action for the first time. The sound of swords singing through the air reached my ears before I could see anything, which wasn't unusual, but Maudred shouting out commands over top was rather amusing. I turned the corner, catching my first glimpse of blades dancing together, slashing over one another. Lex was mid battle with Sir Percival, who was struggling to keep up with her agile thrusts and dodges. He was slow, but very very strong, his blows were the kind that did extreme damage. I winced as he managed to strike Lex's hip, and she returned with a swift lunge with her sword which he only just dodged. He lost his balance however, and before he could regain it, Lex was atop him, sword pressed to his throat.

"Skilled work both of you!" Maudred shouted from the sidelines, and Lex helped Percival up. They were laughing with each other, like they weren't just trying to battle eaxch other five seconds ago. Smiling to myself, I admired how close they were.

"Lex, stop underestimating your opponants, and Percival, work on those reflexes. You are making progress knights, you may finish early so you can rest well."

They thanked Maudred and exited the sandy arena, walking in the direction of the tavern. I ached to follow and enjoy a night of laughter and dancing, but I knew father wouldn't allow it without a protector.

Trying not to feel too disheartened, I made the short trip back to the castle. When Lancelot was alive, he would take me to the tavern at least twice a week, and I got on very well with the other knights of Palestine. I felt as if I could be myself around them because they treated me like one of them. I missed that wholesome feeling. 

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