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It's 6 am in the morning and both Harry and Louis are already awake. "Happy July 23rd, babe", Louis whispered against Harry's lips. "Mmmmmh, you too", Harry answered.

Louis got out of bed to get their laptop and phones. After he and Harry were back under the blankets, he opened YouTube and searched for old 1D videos.

This was how they spent their morning, watching videos, reliving memories, laughing, cuddling, kissing and very, very happy.

At 12:16 pm, Louis decided now was a good time to put out some tweets.

@Louis_Tomlinson:  Feeling pretty emotional today. 10 years!! Spent the morning watching old interviews and performances. Just wanted to send a massive thank you to ALL of my band mates. What we did together was incredible

@Louis_Tomlinson:  Too many incredible memories to mention but not a day goes by that I don't think about how amazing it was. @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles @LiamPayne @zaynmalik. So proud of you all individually.

@Louis_Tomlinson:  And to the fans. The people who gave us all these amazing opportunities. You are incredible, your unmatched level of loyality is something that makes me really really proud.

@Louis_Tomlinson:  Miss it everyday!

He hit tweet, then read Liam's tweets, replied to a few fans and laughed about their fans' excitement.

About an hour later, Niall replied to Louis' tweet, making the fans freak out and both Louis and Harry laugh in amusement. God, they loved their fans.

The 1D website was published, but every member of the band had warned the fans through their secret accounts that they shouldn't be distracted.

While they watched their fans lose their shit about the website they had lunch.

At 3:30 pm, Harry tweeted too.

@Harry_Styles:  I've been struggling to put into words how grateful I am for everything that's happened over the last ten years. I've seen things and places that I'd only ever dreamt of when I was growing up.

I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with some of the most incredible people, and gained friendships that I know I will treasure for the rest of my life. None of this would be possible without the support you've given along the way.

And for that, I will be forever thankful. I just can't believe it's been ten years. Thank you to our crew, our team, and everyone else who helped us along the way. To the fans, I love you, and I thank you with all my heart. You did it all, and you changed everything.

And finally.. to the boys, I love you so much, and I couldn't be prouder of everything we archieved together. Here's to ten. H.

Harry then saw millions of directioners say how much they loved him, and things like HE STILL LOVES THE BOYS SO MUCH OMGGGGGGGGG, and he loved it. But at the same time he saw his solo fans be mean to the directioners, when the 1D fans were the ones that originally brought him success and that supported all, one direction and the solo carreers of all these boys.

Louis turned to Harry. "This is beautiful, Hazza, you know that? I'm so proud of you and I love you too." Harry smiled and kissed him.

They then sat down on the couch, watching this is us. Harry played with Louis' hair, which had gotten so long and he loved it.

"Oh shit, you remember the take me home tour? The performances were quite childish with everything on the big screen", Louis laughed.

"I loved them though", Harry replied. It was true, he loved every single concert of every tour they did.

He didn't want to admit it, but he prefered the 1D era to their solo careers and would comeback with them in a heartbeat.

At 4 pm, the video their managers had made was released. Louis and Harry, not having seen it yet, watched it too. And god, it brought back even more memories. (They stopped watching this is us to watch the video.)

In the beginning, there was a clip of Harry waiting for the train, with Louis saying "Hey Harry!", Harry turning around and smiling at him.

There was even a clip of Harry laying in their bed back in the X-Factor days, when they had pushed their beds together so they could cuddle. And damn, it was so obvious those were two single beds pushed together, hell, even Louis' phone was visible.

Once the video ended, they facetimed Niam. (Liam went to visit Niall so they were together during the anniversary.)

"Oi oiiiiiii! Have ya seen the video?", Louis asked. Niall started laughing. "I have, even the fanmade videos have better quality!" Liam shook his head at Niall, but agreed. "I wonder why they've added those Larry parts if they wanna make it look like you're just friends", Liam added.

Louis shrugged. Niall laughed again. "Why are you laughing?" "Share a single bed and tell each other what we dream about, things we'd never say to someone else out lou, we were only kids just tryna work it out", Niall sang.

Now both Louis and Harry laughed. "Well, it's actually what the lines are about so..."

Harry smiled at Louis lovingly.

They kept on talking for hours and hours, sharing their memories of the time as a band, laughing and talking about what THEY had planned.

"Once management is done earning money, we'll do our thing", Liam promised. "Oh, the fans will love it", Louis laughed.

Niall checked twitter and suddenly died of laughing. Once he'd calmed down a bit, he explained why he was laughing. "Ashe tweeted a video of her blinking while flicking through pages of a clown book.. HAHAHAHAHAHA... She may have blinked a bit weird, but... HAHAHAHA, that's just how she is and HAHAHAHAHA, now the fans think she HAHAHAHA she was using HAHAHA I CAN'T... She was using mo- HAHAHAHA, she was using morse code and HAHAHA wants to tell them something and it's hilarious HAHAHAHA. Those clowns I swear HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

The others started laughing too because, let's be honest, it was ridiculous to think one of Niall's friends would code their blinking. Ashe did hint towards their project, but she didn't know morse code.

After five hours, they said their goodbyes and Harry went to cook dinner. While they were eating, they kept checking twitter through their secret accounts. Liam's account was more or less exposed, but theirs were still unkown.

It was quite entertaining to see the fans lose their shit, but they did read some tweets expressing disappointment.

And then there were the Larries and "ot5-stans", as the original directioners called themselves, who completely lost everything because Louis had followed both Harry and Zayn on instagram.

After a few more hours of watching old footage, they've decided to call it a day and head to bed, because they had a long week ahead of them. A week full of surprises.

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