typical day

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(let's say this is around the same time as now just in 2019)

"Ladies and gentlemen, the plane will take off in a minute. Please put your seatbelts on and remain seated. I wish you a comfortable flight", a steward's voice came through the speakers.

Harry searched for his boyfriend's hand, lacing their fingers and holding on tightly. No matter how many times they've been on a plane, he'll never get used to the start.

Louis lifted their hands and pressed gentle kisses to Harry's knuckles, trying to calm him down. The younger one smiled a little, but still pressed his head into the seat, waiting for the start to be over with.

"We will start now. I wish you a comfortable flight."

Harry squeezed Louis' fingers tightly, trying to ground himself.

Louis whispered sweet things to his boy, trying to distract him.

Harry shut his eyes, biting his lip, but focused on Louis' voice, and quite soon, the plane took off and was up in the air.

"You may now take your seatbelts off. This is your pilot on your flight from LAX to Heathrow. We will reach Heathrow in 10 hours. Have a good flight."

Harry sighed in relief, taking his seatbelt off. Louis laughed a bit at his boyfriend, but opened his arms for him to snuggle into. He accepted the offer gladly, laying his head on Louis' shoulder and closing his eyes.

Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder, thumb gently caressing his arm. He turned his head and pressed his nose into his curls, kissing the top of his head, breathing in Harry's scent.

"Sleep, love. It'll be over sooner if you sleep, yeah?"

He felt Harry nod against his shoulder and rested his own head on top of his.

Louis started humming quietly, lulling Harry to sleep.

Louis must have drifted off too, because he woke up to Harry trembling in his arms. He opened his eyes and saw his boyfriend obviously freezing, because his whole body shook lightly and he had his arms wrapped around himself.

He loosened his arms around Harry to either give him space or let him cuddle to him again, but to make it Harry's choice.

"Hazza?", he asked.

Harry's head snapped around, looking straight into Louis' eyes.

Louis' features softened when he saw Harry. His boyfriend just looked so beautiful, but something just didn't sit right with Louis.

"What's wrong, love? You seem off."

Harry shrugged and bit his lip. Louis lifted his hand and softly pressed his thumb against Harry's lip, freeing it before placing a sweet kiss on his mouth.

"'m cold, Lou", Harry complained quietly. Louis sighed softly, because usually he was the one to be cold easily, Harry only got really cold when he was coming down with something. Thinking that, he sighed again, because technically now was the worst time for his boyfriend to get sick, since they both had tons of work to do.

He opened his arms again and Harry gladly accepted this offer and cuddled against his boyfriend, nuzzling his nose against the crook of Louis' neck.

Louis gently kissed Harry's curls, over and over again, before resting his head against his seat again and bringing a hand to his boy's hair, playing with the curls.

He started lulling Harry to sleep again, and when he'd closed his eyes, Louis took his phone out and put his earbuds in, shuffling his playlist.

After the plane had finally landed, they both got their luggage and left the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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