if i could fly

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I miss you. Come home soon? xx

Harry sighed. He missed Louis too, but he wasn't allowed to go home just yet. Simon had decided they had overdone it again with their affection towards each other and had let Louis go home while Harry had to stay in LA to "get work done".

The problem was, he couldn't write any songs at the moment because all he could think about was missing Louis in every way possible and he was sure their team wouldn't appreciate a song like that.

He grabbed his phone and replied to Louis.

You know it's not my decision to make, honey. I'm sorry. I hate it here. I'll do my best to go home as soon as I can, they just won't let me. I'm sorry boo :(
How's family time? xx

Since Louis had been in London for almost three weeks now, he'd gone to visit his family in doncaster. Harry wanted to see them too, he missed Jay, Dan and all of the girls and especially the little twins, but also his own mum, Robin and Gemma.

Until he'd written a song Simon was okay with he couldn't go home though.

A knock at his door startled him. He quickly got up and opened the door of their LA house. Home, just without his home.

When he saw who stood in front of their house, he wanted to straight up close the door again. Simon. No.

He stepped back to let the man enter the house. "Hello Styles", Simon said, fake-smiling at the young man.

"Hi Simon", Harry whispered. He was already scared of what was about to come.

Simon went to the living room and took a seat on the huge couch. He put his shoes on the coffee table, making Harry clench his fists because, for god's sake, that table was expensive.

"How's writing going?", Simon asked.

Harry hung his head, his curls covering his face. "Look me in the eyes when I talk to you."

His head snapped up and his green eyes met Simon's cold, hard, brown ones. Scary.

"I'm sorry, I can't write when I'm feeling pressured or lonely. Also not being with Louis isn't good for me. I'm very sorry. I'm sure I can write when I'm with him again. Can I please go home?"

Simon got up and took Harry's chin between his thumb and pointer finger.

"You will not leave this city before you haven't written at least one good song, are we clear? You will not go and see the other fag unless I decide you're allowed to or there will be consequences. Now shut up and go back to work, you worthless stupid boy", he hissed before taking his fingers off Harry's face and leaving the house.

Harry sank to his knees. Was he really this stupid? Not being able to write a stupid song? Why did he feel like his heart was missing? He had no energy at all to do anything. Was he really as worthless as Simon and the media said?

He pressed his face in this legs, pulling his hair in an attempt to prevent himself from crying. It didn't work. Seconds later, he broke down sobbing.

He was lonely, couldn't write a simple song and on top of that, he couldn't see his family because he couldn't write.

He cried for hours non-stop until he felt empty. Not just because he didn't have any tears left to cry, but because he was not himself when he was seperated from Louis.

After he'd gotten a hold of himself again, he checked his phone, only to see that two and a half hours had passed since Simon left and his phone showed around fifty missed messages and twelve missed calls.

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