Meet the Konoha Baddies

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No ones Pov~

"Ok class that's all for today remember to study for the test next Friday. Oh Temari, I need to speak with you". The teacher exclaimed. 'Ugh great now what did I do'. Temari thought to herself. " We'll see ya at gym Temari". TenTen responded. "Whatever". Temari said in her usual sour tone.

"What do you want Iruka-Sensei". "Well, Temari since you are top of the class you will be in charge of showing around some new students". He explained. 'Are these the guys that the principal has been talking about'. She thought to herself. "Oh. I heard the school was no longer going to be an all girl school". "Yep your right. And it's job to show them around tomorrow. I understand tomorrow is a Saturday but we have spoken with your parents already and it was agreed upon". Iruka said. "Don't worry you will only be showing around the guys in your homeroom so, only about five". "Fine are we done here"? Temari asked in annoyance. "You may go". Iruka responded.

As she strolled to the gym she remembered, 'oh yeah, I forgot we're skipping gym'. She thought to herself as she turned around and went up the stairs to the roof, where the girls were waiting for her.

"Took ya long enough". Ino yelled to Temari. "Yeah what was that all about". Sakura questioned. "Yeah was it about using weapons in class again"? Hinata asked. "No. I have to come here on a Saturday just to show some new students around. How lame". "Well it's your fault for always being top of the class. Have gone soft on us". TenTen teased. "Ugh how lame. School on a Saturday. For what all to show some dumb boys around". Temari sulked. "Wait. Did you just say, boys"? Ino asked with excitement. "Ugh Ino you didn't hear about it. The school is converting with an all boy school for resource conservation". Sakura explained. " Ino boys don't deserve our time. We might be bad but we aren't trashy". Hinata exclaimed. "Man this is boring. I'm going home". Temari said.

That night all she could think about was how lame she would look going to school on a Saturday.

                               ~To Be Continued~

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