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Warning ⚠️
Before we start I want to let you guys know that since it's a mafia book there will be:
-strong language
-mature scenes, etc
-alcohol, smoking, etc
-fighting, killing, blood, etc
-guns, knives, etc
I hope you guys enjoy and good reading 😊❤️

Sunhee walked down the long office hallway greeted occasionally by passing employees that work for her father. She smiles greeting them back. She just walked out of her father's office. They had the usual talk about her and her future with the companies. She was now happy to be on her break making her way down the hall the clicking of her heels could be heard.

"Sunhee," Her father's assistant calls out her father's office for her, speeding up her walk to catch up with Sunhee.

"Yes?" Sunhee questions turning around to face her stopping in her tracks.

"You forgot your jacket," The woman hands her the jacket.

"Thank you," Sunhee smiles taking the jacket. The woman nods before walking away. Sunhee turns back around to meet face-to-face with her fiancé. A little startled but she smiles at him wondering what he was doing there.

"I swear you forget everything," Taeil chuckles softly shaking his head. Thinking teasing her would get her on her good side so he can get what he wants.

"Not true," She denies walking past him not wanting him to ruin her mood, but he followed as she made her way over to the elevators.

"Keep telling yourself that babe," He smiles pressing his chest against her back to reach the elevator button before her. She puts on a fake smile at his gesture.

"Anyways, What are you doing here?" She questions him as the elevator door opens and they both stepped in.

"Wow you're not happy to see your fiancé," He acted offended wanting to tease her even tho he could clearly tell she wasn't fond of his presence. Sunhee crossed her arms giving him a look of unamused. "Your dad called me over to talk about something earlier," He tells her honestly. "but I'm free now," He places his hands on her waist, before kissing her. No matter how badly she wanted to pull away she knew she couldn't. Thankfully for her, the elevator door opens.

"Why me," Mark was heard taking the couple's attention.

"Hi Mark," Sunhee smiles at him grateful to see her best friend.

"Hi Sunhee but why?" He looked at them disgusted as they stepped out of the elevator.

"You'll live," Taeil told him as he grabbed onto Sunhee leading her towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Mark questions Taeil stopping him in his tracks.

"Out with Sunhee what does it look like?" He says a bit annoyed looking at Mark.

"I'll check your messages if I was you. We are having a meeting," Mark tells him giving him a look that it's serious.

"Work calls," Taeil had a sudden change of look. He lets go of Sunhee and she was relieved. Not that Taeil mistreated her and he wasn't a bad person she just didn't love him. She was just granting her parents' wishes.

"We will see you later," Mark tells her and she nods with a small smile. Taeil is already in the elevator Mark joins him. Sunhee walked out of the building going directly to her car.

"You should just let her go and let Jaehyun take them," Mark tells Taeil as the elevator door close. Annoyed by his older friend.

"Don't worry we aren't going to get married. Once her parents are dead she's going to run to Jaehyun, for now, I'm having fun with her. Why have you got to be so uptight about it?" Taeil tells the younger boy. Mark didn't like the game he was playing with his best friend.

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