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Two weeks later...

Straykids kept bumping into dead ends trying to find her sister. As they also all started to grow a friendship with Sunhee. Even though some well more like Changbin and Seungmin wouldn't admit they like having her around. Sunhee also started to accept them but still wanted just to leave out of there wanting her life to go back to normal.

"So how is it going with Sunhee?" Changbin asked Chan sitting down in a chair across Chan's bureau.

"Good, she is falling for my charms slowly I just need to get Jaehyun out of her head," Chan smirks looking up at Changbin from his computer.

"Are you falling for hers though," Changbin tease joking, and Chan snickered at his none since.

"Very funny," Chan rolled his eyes leaning back in his chair wondering why Changbin actually came into his office.

"I mean you are going to be married to this girl might as well grow a liking," He adds chuckling, and Chan a bit annoyed sighed.

"Yeah I'm fine alone I don't need anyone," Chan tells him unamused by his friend's comments and the girl.

"Still thinking about Yumi?" He questions and Chan shot him a glare. "I mean Sunhee is a good rebound," Changbin shrugs pointing at his friend.

"Why did you even come in here for?" Chan tells him done with the conversation.

"Okay okay," Changbin raised his hands in defeat as there was a knock at the door catching both of their attention.

"Come in," Chan calls out and Hyunjin walks in hoping he didn't interrupt anything. Chan looks at him waiting for him to speak.

"The babysitter is awake," Hyunjin tells Chan surprising him he didn't think she would wake up so soon nor even wake ever.

"Have the cops interviewed her yet?" Chan asked sitting up in his seat.

"Yeah this morning," Hyunjin nods telling the information he got from Felix.

"Good we won't have the problem of crossing them," Chan says getting up. "I'll go over with Sunhee and see what we can get out of her," Chan informs them both heading towards the door as Changbin followed out.

As Chan made his way up to Sunhee's room he heard small cries from her room. He stopped in his track unsure if he should go in. He still needs to figure out what happened so he could get her sister back so he knocks softly before walking in.

"Are you ok?" He asked as she wiped her tears before looking at him with a serious face.

"My parents are dead and my sister is gone, do you think I'm ok?" She says putting down her phone Chan looks at her screen to see their family picture. He sat on the edge of her bed. He looked blankly at the wall not knowing what to tell her. He was trying to think of something to make her feel better and maybe feel closer to him.

"Chan?" She cut off his thoughts making him look at her.

"I'm sorry, but it will get better and I'll get your sister back I promise," He tells her and she lightly smiled happy that she still has hope to see her sister again. "Also I have some good news," He adds making her eyes sparkle with more hope looking at him waiting for him to tell her. "Mrs.Park is awake," He softly smiles at her seeing her smile growing.

"Really," She says hoping it wasn't a joke and he nods. She hugs him without thinking she was so happy. Chan's eyes widen not ready for it. "Sorry," She quickly let go realizing what she had done.

"Come on we are going to see her," Chan tells her before walking out of the room leaving her. Sunhee got off her bed and got cleaned up before walking out the door. She walked down to the living room to see Seungmin and Jeongin watching tv.

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