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Sunhee couldn't sleep, Scared that one of them would walk into her room. Even if last night at dinner they all were nice she didn't trust them. It could have been an act for all she knows. She only stared around the room observing it and listening out into the quiet house for any noise.

As the sky lighten up the sun rising, Sunhee went to the window to watch the sunrise. Leaning her head on the window watching the sun peeking from behind the trees. Now she could see the whole green yard. So relaxed from the silent house and the morning chirps of the birds she falls asleep without realizing it.

Minho turns off his alarm waking up at his usual early time. He likes to wake up before everyone to have peace in the morning. He directly went to wash his face and brushed his teeth before grabbing shorts and a shirt. After throwing his clothes on he grabbed his tennis shoes before walking out of his room. He went downstairs and directly headed out on his run.

Half an hour later Felix got up also getting ready for the day before heading down to make breakfast. Jisung and Jeongin got up heading downs stairs still half asleep sitting in front of the tv. Minho came back from his run directly heading upstairs to go take a shower.

"Hey Minho," Chan said stopping Minho from walking into his room.

"Yeah?" He questions back.

"Take her out to go shopping when she wakes up," He tells him walking away.

"Why can't you do it? Isn't she your wife?" Minho questions him. Chan scuffs not looking back at Minho.

"Because I asked you to do it," He says before walking downstairs.

"Breakfast is done," Felix yells out placing everything on the kitchen table. Sleepy Hyunjin walks into the kitchen and Jisung and Jeongin walk past his zombie walk sitting at the table. A few seconds later Chan, Seungmin, and Changbin walk in.

"She isn't awake yet?" Felix questions Chan.

"I don't know I didn't go check, but let's not bother her. She's scared. We just have to be gentle with her," Chan tells them and they nod.

"Did those words really come from Chan? Is our leader back finally," Minho says walking in taking a seat.

"Don't start this morning Minho," Chan says to him as he serves himself. "Let's eat," He says to everyone.

After breakfast, Chan looks at the time seeing that the girl hasn't come down yet. He went up to his room to fetch her some clothes for her. He sighs at the sight of his ex's clothes before picking out an outfit for Sunhee before walking out. He knock on Sunhee's door but no answer so he walked in. He chuckles at the site in front of him. She was sleeping on the edge of the window her head leaning on the glass the sun hitting her face. He placed the clothes on her bed and the shoes on the ground. He walked towards her seeing she still had Jeongin's jacket on.

"Sunhee," Chan says softly leaning down to her ear.

"Honey five more minutes please," Sunhee mumbles in her sleep making Chan chuckle.

"Honey? Aren't you moving a bit too fast love," Chan jokingly says to the half-asleep girl. She jumps at the unfamiliar voice before remembering where she was. "Didn't mean to scare you," Chan flashes her a smile standing back up straight. She looked up at him still startled blinking.

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