2- Rich Kids Are The Worst

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(Conrads P.O.V)
Same Day
A few minutes earlier

Conrad hated it already. He fucking swore to himself, that rich kids were the worsts.

As soon as he had entered the school he could tell none of these valley kids had ever suffered a day in their lives.

And for fucks sakes, he couldn't believe the size of this place. Early this morning his jaw dropped when he stepped into the restrooms. He was so fucking amazed at the fact that the toilets actually had freakin doors! Doors?! Not cheap plastic curtains. He had completely forgotten the fact that he had only come in there because he needed to piss. And for the first school piss in his life, no one was sizing him up and down. Another thing, when he entered the restroom the smell was heavenly, they were the cleanest waste tubs ever. Instead of smelling like catpiss they actually smelled like woodsy Pinesol. He couldn't wait to taste the gourmet cooking. For sure, he wouldn't be surprised if they served crab on Mondays and tofu on Tuesdays. But for now, he was stuck attending his first class of today.

He came so close to the back exit of the school until a convincing phone call made him drag his ass back in.

So there he was leaning against a cream-colored wall to the right of the door. He didn't dare sit his ass down. He had to be up in case he had to dip. Conrad looked around the large half a football field room. It was big as what he expected it to be after seeing the restrooms.

Conrad didn't consider himself to be paranoid but, he always had a habit of analyzing his surrounding. He would never admit the habit was from his dad instead, he assumed it was since he moved so much. From what he knew from all the highschools he went to, this was noticeably the quietest. Apart from soft gossip whispers and side games.

He wasn't sure if it was because rich kids thought themselves so superior they thought it was a waste of time, or if it was that, just like him and all teenagers all over the world having math first period was not something to be happy about. He skipped the people for now, to him they were basic and easy to read.

One thing that sure caught his attention was the front of the classroom, the teacher's placement was a see-through board and smartboard. A podium and a wooden barstool that Conrad sure as hell knew was not at all comfortable. He winced just looking at it. He swore again at the craziest shit rich people did. The stool itself looked like a torture device custom made by the school district just to keep their "top-tier" teacher up on their asses. To teach like their suppose to instead of catching some -Z's like his previous teachers.

Conrad smiled to himself remembering an old teacher by the name of Mr.Robertson.

Imagine the practical math teacher and to add on that the man was also a pretty large guy. For some reason, Conrad never knew why everyone thought he was a pedophile, it was always the math and science teacher for some reason.

Anyway back then one day the dude had fallen dead asleep and while everyone else in Conrad's class took that chance to slip out, he of course took it as an opportunity to do something widely stupid and fun. Earlier that day he had found out Mr.Robertson was the proud owner of a sweet 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback, parked right out front in the staff parking lot. Well, as you could guess, Conrad decided to slip a hand into the old mans "locked" desk and take the baby for a spin. And right again, he got caught.

Phfff, Nah. But, he had to be a proud egotistical ass that he took it upon himself to show Mr.Robertson the pictures he took joyriding posing right beside the custom made Cherry. And ooooh boy was he mad. The old man swore on his life that he'd send Conrad straight to juvie. Except, for the fact that he changed his mind after Conrad also 'accidentally' showed him what other pictures he took while having found a little something in his backseat. In the end, Conrad still had a surprisingly clean record with no near sign to juvie, an appreciation for freedom, and a copy spare key of Mr.Robertson's sweet Cherry.

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