Chapter three: Revelation

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(Jayson and Kevin in a police car. Jayson dropping Kevin in smith mansion)

Jayson: I heard from Elaine your back.

Kevin: When?

Jayson: Yesterday. Actually, we talk every night before we sleep.

Kevin: Why you guys didn't marry each other. You need to settle down for your child's sake yah know. Do you even call yourself a parents? (Sincere words coming from his mouth showing concern for her niece.)

Jayson: Look who's talking (lowered voiced with an awful faced. Not expecting that coming from his friend.)

Kevin: Hey men! I'm serious you know.

Jayson: Now I'm getting serious (Serious face wanting to ask Kevin some serious questions)

Kevin: You alright?

Jayson: Actually, I'm want to ask you something. But I bet you wouldn't answer so I'm trying to stop my other self ( fake laugh) I also know this topic is still sensitive to you but I'm happy you learn how to smile now. (He changes his mood and Smile while driving). How I wish things would still be the same. What would be your life now if it weren't for that accident? Surely things would not be the same as now...? (His tone of voice changes)

Kevin: (speechless for about a minute) I'm sorry.

Jayson: Nobody blamed you Kevin, you know that.

Kevin: You didn't. She did ( Silence)

(Kevin remembering something)

Right. It was my fault from the very beginning. Why we end up fighting as friends, breaking the bond and ending things that was supposed to be treasured. That was because of my stupid dream being the heir of Smith Company. None of this would have happen if I .....

When I was 17, I heard this very loud conversation in our mansion's study room. It was my grandfather, Gavin Smith and Leonor's grandfather, Gabriel Kim. That was the first time I saw them having a fight. They were best friends, childhood friends I say. They get a long well and seeing them yelling at each other shocks me.

(The scene at that night)

Gavin Smith: You were supposed to be an ally! We need to be in top 1 & 2 in the marketing group company of China. That was supposed to be the goal. I let it slide when you told me my daughter would not marry your son because they need to choose their own partners. You owe me a lot! You should be grateful for everything that I have done. You've done nothing for me.

Gabriel Kim: I respect you Gavin. I really do! But don't make any move that would hurt my family. Do not use your grandson and seduce my granddaughter. Let them be! We will not ruin their life. I will save the company and I'll do it without your help. (Leaving the room and slamming the door)

Gavin Smith: What a jerk! What's the use of this partnership anyway! Is this even a partnership? Being in rank 4 and 5 sucks. If only we can unite the two company will be at rank 1.

At that time, I thought since I love Leonor we can save the relationship of our family. But something happened and it became a one sided love because..... at that time she doesn't love me anymore, she hated me and we grew distant from each other. I tried to make her love me again and I tried everything I could. I change myself wanting to be a better man for her hoping for a second chance but knowing the fact that she doesn't love me anymore, hurts the most. After all, I'm not Robin Wang. Her childhood friend,my friend, the man that loves her more than anything and my greatest rival.

(Back in Smith Mansion)

Jayson: We're here.

Lenz: PAPA! (Running towards her father hugging him.)

Jayson: I bought your favorite donuts. (Suddenly he looked and kiss Elaine's forehead) I bought a coffee for you. I know you've been busy lately, staying up all night is not good.

Elaine: (Blushing.... She suddenly saw Kevin's weird expression and tried to talked to him) Hey Kevin, Let's eat this donuts Jayson bought. Aunt Maya also prepared a breakfast for us. You woke up early, I bet your hungry.

Kevin: Sorry, I'm not hungry. You eat first I'll eat later. (Walk straight up stairs with his despairing facial expression)

(Kevin's thoughts while heading in his room)

I'm sure they knew it already. I'm trying to fix myself again because it's been five years and everybody moves on, except me. I kept blaming myself before so I took medication and I've been seeing this psychologist for the past 5 years. I thought I'm over it now. But seeing the people who are involved in my past life... (Clench his hand) seeing them being ruined because of my selfish dream and still accepts me. I'm really a mistake. Mistake because they met me. Robin died because of me , Leonor's mom died because of me. It's all coming back now the nightmares that hunts me down (Kevin biting his jacket crying so badly.)

To be continued....


Gavin Smith – Kevin's grandfather and the CEO of Smith Company.

Gabriel Kim- Gavin's best friend and the CEO of Kim Marketing Company. He is Leonor's Grandfather. 

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