Chapter Nine: Vice President

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Leonor: Can't believe I'm back in this chair again, my back and my feet hurts a lot. Maybe because I've been sitting here for hours now. I don't like wearing heels.......

Anna: Stop murmuring and complaining. You need to exert more effort because you've been gone for a year remember?

Leonor: (LAUGHS) you should address me Miss or Ma'am in work Anna.

Anna: Sorry... Ma'am (SARCASTIC) I'll go in my desk now. Call me if you need some papers. Don't forget our meeting this afternoon

Leonor: With whom? Why need special attention.

Anna: You're meeting the CEO of Smith Marketing Company.

(Leonor was silent for a while)

Leonor: You'll go and meet him. (SERIOUS TONE)

Anna: Am I the Vice president? Besides, your grandfather requested you to meet him.

Leonor: He was just trying to avoid an old friend... (Saying this while reading a document)

Michael: Hey guys I brought a pizza.

Anna: Who told you to come here anytime you want? It's not a break time... (MEAN TONE)

Michael: Woah woah ...Calm down just handing this... (SERIOUS FACE) Can I talk to her for minute? I'm need to discuss some stuff.

Anna: Okay, I'll give you 20 minutes. Then go out. The vice president can't meet anyone without an appointment.

Michael: Yes president, I'll keep that in mind (SMILES AT HER)

Anna: Don't joke around like that. (Leaves THE ROOM)

Leonor: What brings you here? That must be urgent. I'm busy. (SERIOUS TONE, NOT EVEN LOOKING ON HIM)

Michael: Have you heard about the news?


Michael: Smith company is facing a lot of problems they might accept your grandfathers offer. To unite the 2 company but now, they work under us. Which means they work under Kim group.

(Leonor stops writing, she space out)

Michael: You alright?

Leonor: Yeah, just thinking some stuff. (START TO WRITE AGAIN)

Michael: Okay that's it. I'll get going. You seems pretty busy. By the way don't forget, my brother's death anniversary. We should go together in robin's place tomorrow.

(Michael heads out with a serious and sad facial expression. As soon as he comes out Anna notices his eyes were glazed over. Meanwhile in the office as Michael comes out Leonor stand's up crossing her arms across her chest as she watches the sky in the window remembering something in her past)

(Leonor thoughts)

Gavin smith... His been the reason all this time. Never though that pride and arrogant man would accept our offer, he always dream for more. Winning and being on top and now seems like the smith had been facing big problems. Grandfather really care for his old friend even if he betrayed us. Gavin even uses Kevin and Elaine back then, the two people I've been trusting the most. Should I tell grandpa to ...? No I should act like a professional.

(Clenched her fist)

---------------------- Leonor's memories when she's 18 yrs. Old ---------------------

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