Chapter eight: Story telling II

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------------------ CONTINUATION ---------------

Robin: Elaine, what were you two talking about?

Elaine: When did you...

(Robin grab Kevin's shirt and push him in the wall)

Robin: I told you not to do something that would hurt Leonor! Didn't I? Now tell me what's going on.

(Kevin didn't speak. Robin holding tight Kevin's shirt)

Elaine: Stop it you two... (Trembling)

Robin: You won't tell me anything huh? (Releases him) Fine! I told you before I'll let you have Leonor right? I'm taking her back now! You better take good care of her or...

Kevin: Or what?! You will kill me? You will make her love you? None of that would work. I like her and I'm not... (Interrupted)

Robin: I also told you before.... one mistake, I'll get her back. I don't want to see her again crying Kevin and I don't want her again to be crushed by others. I'm late before bro, but I am not now. I was the first one to know this. Right Elaine?

----------- AFTER A WEEK----------------------

Jayson: Hey what's up with you two? (LOOKING BOTH IN ROBIN AND KEVIN) Okay? So you're not gonna talk to me?

Leonor: Did something happen? It's been week you should go and fix things up.

Kevin: Leonor let's go outside. (Grab her hand)

Robin: You're not going anywhere (He also Grabs Leonor's hand)

Leonor: Both of you. Let go of me. (She gets irritated and head on her desk)

(Kevin and Robin having an eye to eye contact)

----------- END OF CLASS ----------

Robin: Leonor, you'll attend the party tonight right?

Leonor: Don't talk to me I'm not in the mood.

Kevin: Let's got home together.

Leonor: You go home alone! (Slams her locker)

------------- IN THE PARTY ---------------------------

(Noise: Business man talking to each other. Kevin roam around and search if Leonor attends the party. He finds her talking seriously with Robin near at the swimming pool. Kevin interrupted their talk and grab Leonor's hand)

Kevin: Let's go

(Leonor was surprised when he appear)

Robin: Can't you see were talking?

Leonor: Kevin, please let go of my hand. You're hurting me?

(Kevin didn't let go of her. Robin stops him)

Robin: Can't you hear it. You're hurting hear!

(Kevin release Leonor's hand and punch robin)

Kevin: Shut up!

Leonor: Robin...!!! (Helping robin to get up)

Robin: What's with you?

Leonor: Kevin, what's wrong with you. We were just talking how to help your grandpa's company.

Robin: Can't believe you didn't even tell her.

Leonor: About what?

(Kevin face is worried, clenched his fist)

Robin: Actually your boyfriend used you for his grandfather's company. I didn't know if he seduced you in purpose or he takes advantage of your feelings for him. I bet his even planning to marry you.

(Leonor looking on Kevin's face confused, Kevin is not having an eye contact with her)

Leonor: Is it true? Kevin... did really you ?

Kevin: Babe, let me explain... (He holds her but she resist) You're right grandpa told me to marry you but that's not what I'm planning... to use you? No! My feelings are real. (EXPLAINING) Listen to me (Tried to hold her again but she slaps him)

Leonor: I hate you. (She cried because she felt hurt)

---------------END OF FLASHBACK--------------------------

That was the first time I saw Leonor crying because of me. I hurt her, the thing that I've been worrying and not wanting to do. I promised I'll make her happy, I tried to be better for her but at the end... I hurt her.... We became strangers afterwards, only my sister, Michael and Jayson would come and talk to me. Elaine hates me even more? After I wrote that apology letter, I distant myself for a reason and for 9 months we didn't talk to each other. Sometimes we passed by each other but we don't say hi and hello. I gave her the space she wants and respecting her decisions. The next thing I know she was my classmate again. That was our last year in high school, I was 18 at that time. We started to talk again casually, as classmates and we became close somehow that's why I tried to tell her how I feel for the last time, hoping for one more chance. But I gave up when I saw Leonor and Robin kissing during our farewell camp. I realized It's been almost a year since we broke up, I bet she started to liking him other. That was the moment, I decided to give up. I want her to be happy and to see her smile again, like old times. But at that time with robin. I was thinking whatever happens tomorrow, or for the rest of my life, I'm happy because I was given a chance to loved her and be loved by her.


Lenz: Hey uncle..... Are you alright?? You spaced out.... What happen to Prince Kevin and Princess L afterward?

Kevin: Oh... sorry my head hurt for a bit (A pain inside his head)

Lenz: Did you drink your medicine? I'll get it for you. Is it in your room? (WORRIED FOR HIS UNCLES CONDITION)

Kevin: No it's okay. Probably because I'm thinking a lot of things lately.

Elaine: We're back!!

Lenz: Mama Uncle's head is hurting again.

( Elaine and Jayson's face became serious)

Elaine: Kevin? We should go and see a doctor tomorrow. Since when did you started feeling that again? (WORRIED)

Jayson: I'll take a leave tomorrow we should go together. After that let's go and watch movies in cinema. (He carried Lenz on his back)

Kevin: Hey did you forget I'm a doctor? (LAUGHS) no need for that. Just go ahead and spend your day off them. (Someone's calling in his phone) I'll just take this ... Excuse me..

Jayson: what's wrong? You alright?

Elaine: I'm happy that his back. We didn't get along well before but we really look for each others back , we were like a real siblings. Seeing him suffer like that hurts me.

Jayson: (he hold her hand) were here, will look after him.

Elaine: I'm sure grandfather is not coming home because he feels guilty for everything that he had done to Kevin. He doesn't want to see him suffer with ....after all Kevin still instead to come here and stay by his side.

Jayson: He really cares in your grandfather.

Elaine: Maybe because we both saw grandma dying in the hospital and his being told to take care of grandpa since his the eldest boy in our family. I just hope he'll recover and start living his life again....

Jayson: He will be for sure ...because his trying now..

To be continued...

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