Chap 06

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"You know Chris." In Ha pointed towards him.

"That's my twin brother." In Ha sighed, looking at In Ho who seemed to be lost in his own world.

Sitting next to Chris, In ho leant back in the seat with his black air pods tucked in, slurping a cup of ramen. He didn't bother paying any attention to our conversation.

"Um, yes." I spoke.

"You're that staff room girl, right?"

Another boy from the group, questioned me.

Glancing at him, I recalled that he was the one I met this morning, holding the pile of notebooks.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"How do you know Taehyun?"

In ha inquired?

"I saw her this morning when I was taking the notebooks. By the way, I'm Taehyun."

He said, gently pushing back his spectacles.

"Aria." I responded, doing my part of the, (mimicking BTS V's voice) "introduce."

"I'm not even astonished that you met Taehyun in front of the staffroom. He's one of the top students in the school - a genius." In Ha stated.

"More like a teacher's pet." Another girl added, after taking a loud sip from her strawberry milk. Her ponytail swinging as she did.

"I'm Sa Na." She said, forwarding her hand to me, putting away the strawberry milk.

"Nice to meet you." I mumbled.

"Your name's cool but I'm gonna call you Ari." She spoke, again taking a quick sip.

"Oh okay." I whispered.

Noticing Sa na, she was pretty- trying not to be- in a red sweater and jeans. Her soft black hair, sweeped up in a neat ponytail. She didn't seem 'the mean' type but her tone suggested otherwise.

We were having a light conversation when the bell rang. Recess was over.

"Ugh, I can't take Ms. Park ." Chris threaded a hand through his blond hair.

"You're all in the same class?" I questioned In Ha.

"Yes, we all know each other since we were kids. Chris transferred last year though." She replied, walking towards the dustbin to throw the empty food packets.

Just as we were leaving the cafeteria, a girl bumped into me. 'Intentionally', if I may add.

"Hi there!" She waved with googly eyes, whilst dusting the invisible dirt off her skirt.

"I'm Soo Min. You're the new girl right? Would you like me to take you to class?" She spoke with a smirk, one hand on her waist and another at my shoulder.

I looked down. She was harbouring some ulterior motives. I could sense.

"Here Soo Min," Sa Na offered a tissue.

"Why?" Soo min questioned, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

"You have a little bullshit on your lip." Sa na stated, giving a wink.

Oh Damn.

"Are you insulting me?" Soo min snapped.

"I'm not insulting you. I'm 'describing' you." Sa na replied, nonchalantly.

"Come on Sa na! We don't wanna be late for class." In ha said.

"I don't want to waste my precious time with her either. I very much prefer Ms Park's algebra." Sa na stated.

Chewing my lip, I followed In Ha, not knowing what to do. The only sound that could be heard was the soft breeze.

The over-crowded hallway was now silent as the students settled in their classes. Nobody made an effort to start a conversation, that was until Chris backed up to me.

"Just ignore her." He demanded.

"Um, oh-kay." I replied, not having an idea of who he was talking about.

"As much as I hate to admit, this donkey's right. She's a bitch." Sa na stated.

So, they were talking about Soo min.

"Heyy...! " Chris pouted.

"What?" She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Don't call me a donkey." Chris whined.

"I don't sugar coat honey." Sa na said, giving a dismissive wave.

"Your heart is a stone. So cold." Chris remarked.

"No boi! I have a good heart but this mouth." She said, dramatically putting a hand on her mouth.

Everyone rolled their eyes while I just smiled at her. This girl got some strong tint to her personality.



The rest of the day was uneventful. Finally, I was waiting outside the school for dad to pick us up. In ha offered me a ride with her brothers but I politely declined. The twins joined me and here, we were... discussing how our day went.

Arriving home, I kicked off my shoes and made my way to my sweet corner aka my room. I changed into some comfy clothes and grabbed my lappy (1).

Mum called us all for dinner and we all talked about our day. Mum questioned me especially because I'm not 'approachable'.

*Her words not mine

The twins talked about the group they were sitting with and I was content that they were in a good company. After all, they're my baby brothers.


"Aria, can I borrow your phone for a sec?" Asked Aaron, peeking inside my room.

"What for?" I looked up from my notebooks.

"Mine's not charged." He shrugged.

"Oh okay." I said, closing my books.

He came in and sat on my bed. I put in my password (which by the way, is mochi) and handed him my phone. After he was done, he returned it.

"Do you know the group you were sitting with today?" He popped the question.

"You were keeping an eye on me?" I gasped.

"Don't change the subject." He gave me his famous, "furrowed Australian brows".

"I'm not shifting the subject. Yes, I know them." I answered, folding my hands in my lap.

"You know that they're the school's popular kids. You're fine with it?" He asked, astounded.

"They're populars?"

My shoulders stiffened.

"Judging by your reaction, they didn't tell you that. Did they?" His jaw clenched.

"You have my attention Aaron, continue." I said.

"Were they good to you?" He questioned.

"I would say, yes, we had a pretty normal conversation." I answered.

"Oh sister! You know, it's not 'normal' when it seems normal." Aaron stated.

"But I know In ha and her brother. Taehyun seemed nice. Sa na's unalike but I think we'll go well and Chris is sweet." I recalled.

"Okay, just be careful."

"I will and you too." I said.

"Oh, don't you worry about me." He chuckled.


"Good night... Aaron." I yawned mid way.

Laying on my bed, I pondered over the day. Wow! It really was turning into the typical high school experience.

Or so I thought it would be.

(1) Lappy: Australian slang for laptop.

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